Debugging over the network using a protocol like JDWP isn’t hard. However, there are risks that aren’t immediately intuitive and some subtle solutions.
Integration of DevOps and automation is what leads to a more efficient software development lifecycle. Understand what it is about automating DevOps and how.
In this article, readers/developers will follow guide code to call two API’s and learn how to send long blocking requests asynchronously with RxJava and Vertx.
In this article, we will discuss iterator objects in Python, using the Python generator functions and expressions, and why they are used and preferred.
A story about how I tried to solve an architectural error with minimal code changes and what problems sometimes occur in popular libraries. So, let's go!
This article teaches readers how to write apps in Rust and will show readers how to design and implement an HTTP tunnel and the basics of creating apps.
In this article, readers will learn about real-time stream processing with Hazelcast and StreamNative in a shorter time, along with demonstrations and code.
This article explores PHP vs. React, and readers will learn about the advantages of each technology to discover which is the best fit for their next project.
In this article, you will learn how the JPAstreamer Quarkus extension facilitates type-safe Hibernate queries without unnecessary wordiness and complexity.
Do you know which PHP framework is best for your REST API needs? Then, check out our pros and cons of the top five PHP REST API frameworks and build a better API product.
Programmatically create and edit Excel documents using API solutions (with Java code examples) that work together to provide an Excel automation service.