Depending on a message's content, you can route it to any particular channel or destination that you'd like. Just start using content-based routing with Mulesoft.
Splitter and Collection Aggregator are used in Mulesoft to split messages into separate fragments and then to reassemble parts of the original message.
Jumping off the lightweight Java REST server we created in the last article, this tutorial lets us get programmatic access to our API in Java using OkHttp.
SOAP APIs weren't designed for integration, with developer UX in mind. The new SOAP Builder tool converts your SOAP-based endpoint into a unified REST API.
Consuming SOAP-based web services with Anypoint Studio is easy. Doing so assists serialization and deserialization as well as SOAP envelope and namespace processing.
Whether it's catch exception strategies or rollback exception strategies, MuleSoft Anypoint Studio offers tons of different types of messaging exceptions.
Struggling to decide which API spec to adopt, RAML or OpenAPI? Mulesoft recently lowered the risk of your choice by making the decision to support both specifications.
Want to use SQS without AWS Lambda functions? Get ready to dive into API Gateway so you can send and receive messages while securing them with IAM roles.
Google's API lets you communicate with their integration services. Learn to configure and connect Mule ESB with Google API, with code and a video tutorial.