Learn to use multicasting in Apache Camel to route a message to multiple endpoints or destinations, sequentially, with parallel processing, or with aggregation.
Can you work as fast and efficiently with your own code instead of a framework? Experiments like this show that you can. Perhaps a better question is whether you should.
Spring Cloud's config server capabilities make updating microservices across your system a breeze. Let's walk through setting up and changing properties step by step.
Spring 5 is coming and it's packed with new, shiny features. Whether your brain is fully reactive or you love functional programming in Kotlin, you won't be disappointed!
Closures are a powerful Swift feature which makes for a clean and readable Swift codebase. Master closures to avoid problems like strong reference cycles.
The Gang of Four were instrumental in solidifying the classic Java design patterns, but has their usefulness fallen off in a world with microservices and frameworks?