By default, Quartz only supports traditional relational databases. But we can use Spring Boot and MongoDB to integrate Quartz to schedule in a clustered environment.
In recent versions of Docker, a single Dockerfile can execute multiple build stages. We can use that to prepare a complete Docker build for our Java applications.
In this post, we take a look at how to create a simple form with ASP.NET Core Razor Pages and use it to send off emails! Because who doesn't like getting an email?
See how to use a deep learning model to train a chatbot based on past social media conversations in hopes of getting the chatbot to respond to messages the way you would.
In this article, we explain the five principles laid out by Robert C. Martin and enumerated by Michael Feathers, that describe the five essential building blocks of OOP.
Learn how to seed the database on application startup. Seeders can help you create default admin accounts or other default data required by your application.
An ex-OO believer confesses to doubting object-oriented programming, as it appears to be more complex than its alternatives, such as functional programming.