Here's a neat example using JQGrid and Spring MVC with Gson integration, derived from work on a single page app. This awesome tutorial shows how to setup a web project in Eclipse define web.xml, and more!
One thing almost universal to programmers? We're lazy. Rather we're resourceful, and don't want to do the same thing twice. Here's how to implement the Lazy class.
Let's look at how we can make a solid end-to-end code review process with continuous monitoring in place and deliver high quality products using some of the tools like Git, Stash, Jenkins, SonarQube, JaCoCo & Ant/Maven for a Java-based product, for example.
Gradle has developed an API to query the Gradle project artifacts like taskNames, dependencies, etc. It allows users to execute builds programatically. Read on to learn more.
Ensuring database automation means increased productivity, faster time to market, reduced risk for new releases, and higher quality with fewer bugs. Otherwise, your database will keep lagging and eventually you may find yourself in a difficult situation down the road.
Journald is a log data storage and collection system. Here's an overview of Journald, and why it's great, with a glance at Syslog issues and Journald improvements.
Aviran Mordo, Head of Engineering at Wix, walks through a safe way to migrate your database without downtime and with minimum disruption to production.