Learn about loading and storing data using Hive, an open-source data warehouse system, and Pig, which can be used for the ETL data pipeline and iterative processing.
Digging deeper into Kafka architecture, this article covers the details of replication, failover, and parallel processing in this data pipeline software.
Data redaction obfuscates data, reducing unnecessary exposure of sensitive data while maintaining its usability. Learn how to redact data using a masking filter.
Password strength and security is an all important aspect of keeping your data secure. Learn how dev teams can use this AWS service to encrypt/decrypt passwords.
There are tons of data job titles, including data scientist, data analyst, and data specialist. It’s important to pick one that matches your capabilities and aspirations.
Clustering algorithms let machines group data points or items into groups with similar characteristics. See how to use the k-means algorithm with Oracle to do clustering.
Get an introduction to the concept of consumer-driven API contracts, and how to implement this with Pact, Spring Boot, and an API consumer and provider.
From nullability to iterators, jOOQ and Java engage in a delicate dance around SQL and Java's quirks. With dynamic SQL in mind, let's walk through them.