There's an assumption in our industry that NoSQL or document database systems doesn't have schema, and hence are more easy to use. This assumption is simply wrong!
Go is a perfect fit for the DevOps community. Along with some real-world use cases, let's see the finest features that make it shine in the DevOps world.
Learn about Azure Spring Cloud and its main features quickly and with ease in order to build, deploy, scale, and manage your applications in the cloud.
Graph Databases are designed to store and analyze complex relationships between objects. But how well are they at scaling with modern use cases? Let's see.
In this post, I present CRUD operations on deeply nested comments, stored in a relational database via Spring Boot and Spring Data. The approach is scalable but uses only JPQL and very few pessimistic locks.
In this post I demonstrate a schema, an entity, a DTO, and a continuous fraction index, for JPQL-only CRUD operations on deeply nested comments in relational databases.