In this article, take a walk through 3 basic approaches to learn how to roll your own data masking for Cassandra-compatible databases using off-the-shelf tools.
Explore the importance of FastAPI for developing banking APIs and how it can empower financial institutions to deliver efficient and secure services to their customers.
Whether from the command line or within an IDE, understanding your project's dependencies is challenging because it's text-based. Are there alternatives?
The fundamental components of real-time analytics are event streaming and a specialized database that can manage large amounts of data in less than a second.
Learn how to save thumbnail data to a database to render our pictures to a nice HTML gallery page and finish the proof of concept for our Google Photos clone.
In this blog, we learn effectively use the Java Collection Framework, consider factors like utilizing the enhanced for loop, generics, and avoiding raw types.
This article provides the prescriptive steps to migrating Mule Cloudhub to RTF on EKS Deployment Model. It also describes changes to the application, process, and more.
Learn how to handle client requests that should be called in sequence with an open-source API gateway which breaks down the API workflows into more manageable steps.