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Barclays Data Scientist Gianmario Spacagna and Harry Powell, Head of Advanced Analytics, describe how they iteratively process raw data directly from the central data warehouse into Spark and how Tachyon is their key enabling technology.
Journald is a log data storage and collection system. Here's an overview of Journald, and why it's great, with a glance at Syslog issues and Journald improvements.
Curated TED Talk playlists integrated within Cornerstone Learning enable organisations to instantly access new, innovative ideas and share knowledge across their workforce June 30, 2015 - Cornerstone OnDemand, a global leader in cloud-based talent management software solutions, today announced the company is teaming with TED, the non-profit global community devoted to spreading ideas, to deliver curated TED Talks to Cornerstone clients for a new, innovative approach to professional learning and development. The first and only collaboration of its kind, Cornerstone clients now have the ability to provide their workforce with modern, mobile-enabled TED Talks from world-class leaders at the forefront of their fields from within Cornerstone Learning. Cornerstone's collaborative learning functionality also allows organisations to enable peer-to-peer knowledge capture and discussions that can extend the learning impact of TED Talks. Watched and listened to more than 1 billion times this year, TED Talks introduce ideas that can help companies transform how their people think and work. Cornerstone clients will have access to a series of curated TED Talk playlists designed to address key business challenges in an innovative format that is unique, powerful and inspiring. With curated TED Talk playlists through Cornerstone: Inspire your workforce. TED brings together the world's most inspiring and ingenious people whose ideas can strengthen how professionals understand and think about the world around them. TED's curation of talks on behalf of Cornerstone can help organisations generate excitement and engagement among employees, help management crystallise goals, start important conversations, and spark collaborations. Provide the best, most relevant content. Organisations will gain access to the very best collections of TED Talks across a wide range of topics that are central to innovation and talent development, including change management, culture building, leadership, technology, globalisation, diversity and design. Playlists have been curated to reflect talks from visionary leaders across the most influential industries, such as healthcare, education, technology, manufacturing, finance and more. Amplify the value of your learning and development strategy. Employees can view TED Talks from within Cornerstone Learning, the global learning management system (LMS) for over 1,800 leading organisations. Integrating TED Talks into professional development curriculum allows organisations to inspire each individual employee at any stage in their career. Organisations can easily target and deliver learning and development to groups or individuals with the support of TED Talks and measure impact on workforce development from within Cornerstone. Watch and Share Instantly on Mobile: As smartphones emerge as the leading platform for watching video and Web content among busy professionals, TED Talks allow employees to consume and share content on their mobile devices while on the go. Comments on the News "TED Talks are brilliantly crafted and make an emotional connection with viewers. Their ability to convey innovative and complex ideas through powerful, first-person stories is the type of talent management content that can inspire and drive real change in the workforce," said Kirsten Helvey, senior vice president, client success, Cornerstone OnDemand. "We are dedicated to helping people reach their potential by providing our clients with the most innovative talent management solutions that support their professional development and training initiatives." "With the growing demand from companies for TED Talks, Cornerstone provides TED with the expertise and efficiency in reaching millions of learners in organisations across the globe that can benefit from our content," said Deron Triff, TED's director of global distribution and licensing. "This collaboration also provides TED with an important opportunity to understand how the talks can be utilised for professional development to strengthen how we collaborate with the business community. Cornerstone will be a great alliance for bringing TED Talks to companies and sparking innovation among their employees." Additional Resources Learn more about curated TED Talk playlists for Cornerstone via the Cornerstone Marketplace: marketplace.csod.com/#/content/90 Read additional commentary by Cornerstone's director of talent management, Jeff Miller, on the value and influence of TED Talks for empowering today's workforce via the Cornerstone blog: www.cornerstoneondemand.com/blog/how-ted-gets-your-workforce-talking
This article was originally published on 6/29/15 For developers coding in c/c++, NetBeans IDE provides a c/c++ bundle of its set of tools. However, the NetBeans c/c++ toolset is the application platform for Oracle Studio IDE, which provides a set of features that extend the NetBeans c/c++ toolset. In this interview, we meet Ikroop Dhillon, who is the principal product manager of Oracle Solaris studio. She tells us about herself and about the Oracle Solaris studio. Speaking with the True Professionals Anytime we set up an interview with someone in space, we always want to ensure that they are someone with something interesting to say. Believe it or not, that is not always as easy to find as you might imagine. This is why we were so thrilled when we heard back from Ikroop Dhillon about our interview request. Dhillon is a great person to speak with about these matters because she is a product manager at Oracle Solaris Studio, and she has overseen countless projects in her time there. Not only that, but we find her insights and information to literally be second to none. It was our greatest pleasure to get to speak with her. As someone with a background in computer science, Dhillon is exactly the kind of person that is up-to-date and knowledgeable about the inner workings of computers and all of the latest updates in the industry. She has been continuously learning about how various processes work and what the latest updates are in the world of computers. Thus, it is with great pleasure that we were able to meet up with her and go over the latest as it was developing all around us. What we wanted to cover included topics that have not often been discussed by other teams of interviewers before. We knew that Ikroop Dhillon would provide us with the time that we needed to start getting some answers from her about what all of these changes might mean for the brave new world that we are all entering at this time. It has been an interesting and challenging time, to say the least, and we can all stand to learn something from those who are tracking the developments as they happen day by day. Dhillon is exactly the kind of person you want in your corner if that is your mission, and that is why we spent such a lengthy amount of time speaking with her at this time. We hope that you gain some useful insights from our conversation. We certainly picked up a lot of information that we wouldn’t otherwise have had access to. Hi Ikroop, thanks for taking the interview. Can you tell us a bit about who you are and what you do? Hi! Thanks for chatting with me today. I am the principal product manager for oracle Solaris studio, and I focus on business development, product strategy, and go-to-market plans. How and when did you get involved with oracle Solaris studio? I have an educational background in computer science and was a technical marketing engineer at Intel prior to joining oracle. I have always had an interest in application development and started product management of oracle Solaris studio development tools about seven years ago. What are the key aims of oracle Solaris studio? Oracle Solaris studio is an advanced c, c++, and Fortran development environment. It runs on both Oracle Solaris and Oracle Linux operating systems, and with remote development support, developers can build, debug, analyze and optimize applications from virtually any laptop or desktop environment. Oracle Solaris studio delivers a complete and comprehensive tool suite aimed at simplifying the development of high-performance, secure, reliable, and robust enterprise applications. So, it doesn't run on windows? If you go to the oracle Solaris studio download page, then you'll see downloads for Linux and Solaris. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/solarisstudio/downloads/index-jsp-141149.html but a tar file can be downloaded as well, and on any java-aware oses, the user can run GUI tools in "remote mode": https://blogs.oracle.com/d/entry/using_the_solaris_studio_ide What do you consider to be the most awesome and unique features of oracle Solaris studio? Oracle Solaris studio contains some very powerful application analysis tools. The oracle Solaris studio performance analyzer helps you optimize your application by enabling you to easily identify and fix performance bottlenecks. It has an intuitive and easy-to-use interface that allows you to visualize performance data from various angles and easily drill down and isolate performance issues. The code analyzer is another great component of oracle Solaris studio that helps you protect your application from memory access issues, including memory leaks. In addition to the analysis tools, Oracle Solaris studio also has an award-winning IDE. Based on the NetBeans platform. The IDE is specifically geared for c/c++ developers and is optimized to handle large enterprise applications very well. We focus on making sure that the IDE has a low memory footprint when handling large applications and fast response times. Under what conditions should oracle Solaris studio be used instead of the c/c++ tools that come with NetBeans IDE? Oracle Solaris studio delivers advanced performance, memory, and thread analysis tools in addition to those provided by NetBeans IDE. These powerful analysis tools help optimize application performance and improve software reliability and quality. In addition, Oracle Solaris studio delivers highly optimized c, c++, and Fortran compilers and performance libraries for compute-intensive applications. If you are looking for a complete and comprehensive c/c++ and Fortran development tool suite, it is recommended that you use Oracle Solaris studio. What kinds of customers are using Oracle Solaris studio, and what are they doing with it? Our customers include leading companies in finance, telecommunications, and defense. We also work closely with top oracle ISVs and partners. Our customers rely on oracle Solaris studio for the development of their mission-critical enterprise applications, and most Oracle applications are built using Oracle Solaris studio. Can you tell us a bit about the social media and related sites that are important for those using Oracle Solaris studio? The oracle technology network contains the product download (oracle Solaris studio free to use in production) and learning resources, including technical articles, whitepapers, and how-to videos: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/solarisstudio/overview/index.html The oracle.com site includes the datasheet, product briefs, and customer quotes: oracle.com/goto/solarisstudio You can also follow us on Facebook or Twitter for product and content updates: https://www.facebook.com/oraclesolarisstudio https://twitter.com/solarisstudio Anything else you'd like to share with the NetBeans community? I just recorded some videos that highlight some important features of oracle Solaris studio. The oracle Solaris studio performance analyzer also supports java and does a terrific job of optimizing java application performance. It is quite useful if you have a mixed c/c++ and java application.
Many people believe that marketing is just advertising or selling. But, in reality, marketing is actually a conversation that you the entrepreneur start by meeting your customers’ needs. One of the biggest challenges in marketing we see is executives who resist it by asking, “Yes, but how will this help me sell more?” Many businesses struggle with just such a sales- or product-focused culture, forgetting that they were formed to solve a customer problem and that the solution to that problem was born of insights gleaned from talking to potential customers. It’s this forgetfulness that makes marketing look less like it’s about serving customers and more like it’s about (only) sales and advertising. And that’s not good. In fact, for many business-to-business brands, marketing originally emerged from the sales team’s need for more leads in the field. In the consumer space, marketers started on the traditional advertising side, where the game was all about reach and frequency, and where the goal was to get the brand message out to the target audience. The legacy of such thinking leads to the biggest mistake marketers make: They make the message all about themselves. When I started my own content-marketing journey, I remember, I was always hearing, “How much more stuff will this help us sell?” Yet the worst way to try to reach your target audience in today’s digital, consumer-led world is to try to sell yourself directly. Businesses that succeed in reaching their customers have stopped trying to interrupt the content their consumers are interested in and instead have started creating, publishing and sharing the content their customers enjoy. Related: A Guide For Creating Consistently Great Content Answer customers’ questions, and you may earn the right to tell them more about yourself. But building a company that focuses on helping people versus selling stuff? That’s a question of culture! And culture flows straight from the boss. So, if you’re a CEO, your job is to build a customer-focused culture of content. And here are three questions to pose that help you do just that. 1. What is a culture of content? Effective marketing is the art of providing the best answers to your buyers’ questions, and that’s a content problem — which in turn is a job that flows to just about every employee. Everyone in your business produces content. Everyone has an email address and a few social accounts. Content drives real business value when it connects with your potential customers. Late last year, Altimeter published a report on how to foster a culture of content, to which I was honored to contribute. The research pointed to education, executive buy-in and employee advocacy as key components of a culture of content. 2. How do you shift away from a culture of selling? Most businesses believe that the best way to drive new sales is to talk about themselves, thinking that if they’re not outright asking for new business, they won’t get it. Today, however, customers tune out such promotional messages. They can tell which content is trying to sell. Businesses need to make the customer the hero of their stories, exhibiting empathy in a real and emotional way. Many businesses forget that one of the most effective ways to use content to drive traffic is to simply answer your customers’ most basic questions. If you sell widgets, the first question your content should answer is, “What are widgets?” And then: “How can widgets help a business like mine?” Once you’ve done that on a regular basis, you can answer why your widgets are best. There is no magic pill for effective content that drives traffic. The best businesses have a documented strategy for publishing helpful, high-quality content; they drive that strategy by publishing on a consistent basis. Publishing audience-focused content more than once per day is much more effective than publishing less frequently. And frequency requires a culture of content. 3. How can brands establish a culture of content? The best way to build a “culture of content” is to help your employees understand what problem you set out to solve. The mission must be bigger than the service or product you sell. The brand is about more than what you sell, it’s about people. Companies that do this well understand the larger world they operate in and how they fit into it; they activate their employees to tell authentic and personal stories about how they contribute. As a content marketer, I have often found myself teaching others how to write, share on social media and build their personal brands. To succeed takes executives who embody this spirit — living and breathing the notion that your brand is bigger than what you sell. Creating and defining a culture of content, then, starts with the CEO. However, it’s also the daily job of everyone else. What content have you produced today that will help a potential customer? Have you coached any executives on how to turn their presentations into slideshares and blog posts? Have you encouraged any of your thought leaders to start contributing more often? It’s time to get started to create this bright new customer-winning culture Original post