Set up your pipeline so that when changes occur to a project in the monorepo, the CI for that corresponding project is triggered and a Docker image is built and deployed.
The methodologies now employed by Agile and Scrum development teams began in Toyota Plants in Japan. Read on to see how these ideas got their start in America.
Remote jobs are awesome. Unless the person having to manage five people on four continents. Try these five strategies for getting the most out of your remote team.
Mockito2 has made improvements over its predecessor, including the ability to mock final classes. Its new opt-in feature lets you take mockery to a new level.
In the final article to his comprehensive series on learning Oracle JET, Chris Muir goes over the Oracle JET Common Model & Collection API, a client-side JavaScript API for accessing remote REST web services and plugging them into our JET UI components.
Using a poor-quality server wastes everyone's time because the build takes too long to finish, resulting in intermittent test results and frustrated engineers.
There are times when a MapReduce job exceeds its memory limits. This article presents an overview of how YARN monitors the memory for containers and provides the technique to fix this issue.
Prepping for your upcoming interview? Unsure about what Hadoop knowledge to take with you? Here are 6 frequently asked Hadoop interview questions and the answers you should be giving.
''Fifty Quick Ideas to Improve Your User Stories'' by Gojko Adzic and David Evans provides solutions to many issues involving Agile projects. Victor Chircu reviews here.