This article presents an easy guide on how to build an application that uses time-series data to forecast trends and events using TensorFlow and QuestDB.
Construct a data model catalog in a relational database and a mechanism that monitors and reports the changes related to this data model and catalog content.
The usefulness of GPUs versus CPUs for machine learning, why distributed training with multiple GPUs is optimal for larger datasets, and how to get started.
Choosing the right event streaming approach is critical for enterprise architects and application developers. These technologies will help apps scale up around data.
Both Kafka and Docker are pretty complex technologies, and it can be difficult to determine where to get started once you’re sure that they’re the right fit for the problem you’re solving. To keep things simple for this tutorial, we’ll create one producer, one consumer, and one Kafka instance.
Which Trends Are Flourishing in Supply Chain Management? All You Need to Know About EDI and API in One Guide - Uses, Differences, Benefits, and Trends Covered.