Our Favorite Test Automation Reads This Month
Looking for some suggestions to read concerning test automation? Of course you are! Read on for a list of some highly suggested titles!
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Join For FreeIf you are looking for a little summer (or winter – we see you, southern hemisphere!) reading, we’ve got just the thing for you. Test automation is not a new topic, but with new articles surfacing and experts adding to the conversation every day, it seems that there is always something further to learn. Keeping up to date with the latest chatter is helpful for calibrating successful testing techniques.
We’ve picked out some of the top articles about test automation for you to read while you’re relaxing on the couch (or wishing you were). Check it out!
The Broken Promise of Test Automation
Wayne Ariola (@wayneariola)
Test automation has not succeeded in meeting most companies’ testing needs. Wayne pulls from his 15 years of software testing industry experience to point out some of the major problems of test automation today. Read this article to get an overview on some of the specific problems associated with test automation and possible solutions to meet your business’s testing needs.
3 Core DevOps Values for Testers to Know
Josiah Renaudin (@JosiahRenaudin)
Ideally, DevOps gives you fast, reliable results for your tests, “early and often”. There are still many companies, however, that are doing DevOps and not getting the results they are looking for. Josiah points out how learning new skills and switching from manual testing to test automation can get you these results. Read this article to understand the 3 core values for running a successful DevOps environment.
5 Pillars of a Successful Test Automation Implementation
Bas Dijkstra (@_basdijkstra)
A well thought-out implementation strategy is key for test automation. In some cases, test automation can be successful in some ways, but still fail to produce the results we want. Read this article to learn Bas’s key tenets for a successful test automation implementation.
Continuous Testing vs. Test Automation: 3 Key Differences
Wayne Ariola (@wayneariola)
Another post from author Wayne Ariola, this article delves into why test automation has hit roadblocks when dealing with the modern complex application architectures and delivery methods we see today. Wayne has us covered on the answer to this problem: continuous testing. Read this article to understand the differences between test automation and continuous testing, and why the demand for continuous testing continues to increase.
Integrating Test Automation into your Development Process
Andrew Holt
In the world of smart phones and mobile apps, test automation has become a necessity. Quick, efficient testing is something manual testing cannot provide. In this article, Andrew shines a light on test automation and its role in DevOps for apps from mobile to desktop.
5 Best Practices in Test Automation
Sahil Deva (@DevaSahil)
Oh, testing, the very meticulous, repetitive task that is absolutely necessary when introducing your product. Not everyone understands how necessary it is. Even testers frequently ask questions like, “Is test automation right for me and my product?” Read this article to learn the best ways to integrate test automation into your testing, and when test automation isn’t actually the best solution.
Test Automation ROI: 5 Ways to Show the Business Benefits
Paul Merrill (@dpaulmerrill)
As a tester, the benefits of testing can sometimes be hard to explain to management. It takes time and money, but what is the immediate outcome? Read this article to learn best practices in how to explain the quality of returns for test automation.
Published at DZone with permission of Stephan Beauvais, DZone MVB. See the original article here.
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