Chatbots easily connects with you to help solve your queries, from providing life-saving health messages to checking the weather forecast to purchasing a new shirt.
The Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and machine learning have immense potential for medicine. Let's see some sample use cases and architectures.
In this post, you will briefly learn about different validation techniques: resubstitution, hold-out, k-fold cross-validation, LOOCV, random subsampling, and bootstrapping.
Following are the skills that you need to become a machine learning engineer. These skills are described in more detail in the video at the end of this article.
We solved the problem of inappropriate content through machine learning by building an algorithm that can classify nude photos or abusive content with very high accuracy.
Looking to replicate your test environment? We take a look at how to leverage the power of Docker and JMeter to make this happen! Read on for the details.
RDF triple stores and labeled property graphs both provide ways to explore and graphically depict connected data. But the two are very different and each has different strengths in different use cases.
Ever wanted to build a real-time video object detection application? Well, we do just that in this post, with the view to having it work in autonomous cars!
Don't have a clue about feed-forward neural networks? No problem! Read on for an example of a simple neural network to understand its architecture, math, and layers.