A thread will enter into a BLOCKED state when it can't acquire a lock on an object because another thread already holds the lock on the object and doesn’t release it.
Batch processing is dealing with a large amount of data; it actually is a method of running high-volume, repetitive data jobs and each job does a specific task.
Contrary to logs and observability, which show what happens on a service, tracing allows developers and operators to follow a specific request and how it calls different services and dependencies
Installing a VPN on a Linux machine can give you added security and protect private information to be exposed on the internet. Check out how to do so in this article.
RAID in Linux can be used to create logical volumes to ensure recovery from disk failures, backups, etc. RAID uses techniques such as mirroring and stripping.
In debugging any problem, 2 things are important: Observation, and combining your general observations and observations at the time of issue to conclude something.
Observability is vital; it allows us to manage a system properly, determine if it is working correctly, and decide what needs to be fixed, changed, or improved.
The C++ memory model is one of the least well-understood parts of the C++ standard and a common source of confusion, yet it is indispensable when writing high performant code using atomic operations.
Java applications are complied to bytecode then JIT and JVM takes care of code execution. Here you will find some insights about how JIT compiler works.
People often think Chrome and Chromium are alike, but that's not true. In this article, find out what makes them different and never confuse them again.