A multi-cloud strategy uses multiple cloud providers to host your organization's data, applications, or infrastructure. Read about the benefits and challenges.
In this article, readers will learn about different types of API testing and why they are important to the software testing process. Read to learn more.
Penetration testing is the process of testing a computer system, network, or web application to find vulnerabilities and weaknesses that hackers can exploit.
Let’s understand how IDR is swiftly changing the cybersecurity landscape for the public sector and why government agencies must gear up for its adoption.
REST API frameworks play a crucial role in developing efficient and scalable microservices. Compare three frameworks, their features, and their pros and cons.
Readers will use a tutorial to learn how to create a CloudWatch custom log metric alarm notification using Terraform, including code and guide visuals.
In this article, we will discuss what container orchestration is, why it is important, and some of the popular container orchestration tools available today.
IP geolocation is commonly used by websites and businesses, identifying the geographical location of their web visitors. Learn how to implement it using PECL.
Lightrun's Conditional Snapshot and Logs allow developers to create virtual breakpoints dynamically without impacting performance or sacrificing security.
The Sonar R and D team analyzes vulnerabilities in Cachet and demonstrates the takeover instances with basic user permissions using Laravel config files.
This is the second article in a series about uploading files for the web. In this article, readers will use JavaScript to create the file upload request.
This article will cover the importance of tracking AWS usage and provides practical tips to reduce your cloud expenses without sacrificing performance.