Write CSV Data into Hive and Python
Apache Hive is a high level SQL-like interface to Hadoop. It lets you execute mostly unadulterated SQL, like this: CREATE TABLE test_table(key string, stats map); The map column type is the only thing that doesn’t look like vanilla SQL here. Hive can actually use different backends for a given table. Map is used to interface with column oriented backends like HBase. Essentially, because we won’t know ahead of time all the column names that could be in the HBase table, Hive will just return them all as a key/value dictionary. There are then helpers to access individual columns by key, or even pivot the map into one key per logical row. As part of the Hadoop family, Hive is focused on bulk loading and processing. So it’s not a surprise that Hive does not support inserting raw values like the following SQL: INSERT INTO suppliers (supplier_id, supplier_name) VALUES (24553, 'IBM'); However, for unit testing Hive scripts, it would be nice to be able to insert a few records manually. Then you could run your map reduce HQL, and validate the output. Luckily, Hive can load CSV files, so it’s relatively easy to insert a handful or records that way. CREATE TABLE foobar(key string, stats map) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' COLLECTION ITEMS TERMINATED BY '|' MAP KEYS TERMINATED BY ':' ; LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/tmp/foobar.csv' INTO TABLE foobar; This will load a CSV file with the following data, where c4ca4-0000001-79879483-000000000124 is the key, and comments and likesare columns in a map. c4ca4-0000001-79879483-000000000124,comments:0|likes:0 c4ca4-0000001-79879483-000000000124,comments:0|likes:0 Because I’ve been doing this quite a bit in my unit tests, I wrote a quick Python helper to dump a list of key/map tuples to a temporary CSV file, and then load it into Hive. This uses hiver to talk to Hive over thrift. import hiver from django.core.files.temp import NamedTemporaryFile def _hql(self, hql): client = hiver.connect(settings.HIVE_HOST, settings.HIVE_PORT) try: client.execute(hql) finally: client.shutdown() def insert(self, table_name, rows): ''' cannot insert single rows via hive, need to save to a temp file and bulk load that ''' csv_file = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True) for row in rows: map_repr = '|'.join('%s:%s' % (key, value) for key, value in row[1].items()) csv_file.write(row[0] + "," + map_repr + "\n") csv_file.flush() try: _hql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s' % table_name) _hql(""" CREATE TABLE %s ( key string, map ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' COLLECTION ITEMS TERMINATED BY '|' MAP KEYS TERMINATED BY ':' """ % (table_name)) _hql(""" LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '%s' INTO TABLE %s """ % (csv_file.name, table_name) finally: csv_file.close() You can call it like this: insert('test_table', [ ('c4ca4-0000001-79879483-000000000124', {'comments': 1, 'likes': 2}), ('c4ca4-0000001-79879483-000000000124', {'comments': 1, 'likes': 2}), ('c4ca4-0000001-79879496-000000000124', {'comments': 1, 'likes': 2}), ('b4aed-0000002-79879783-000000000768', {'comments': 1, 'likes': 2}), ('b4aed-0000002-79879783-000000000768', {'comments': 1, 'likes': 2}), ])
June 5, 2013
by Chase Seibert