Data-driven Unit Testing in Java
Data-driven testing is a powerful way of testing a given scenario with different combinations of values. In this article, we look at several ways to do data-driven unit testing in JUnit. Suppose, for example, you are implementing a Frequent Flyer application that awards status levels (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum) based on the number of status points you earn. The number of points needed for each level is shown here: level minimum status points result level Bronze 0 Bronze Bronze 300 Silver Bronze 700 Gold Bronze 1500 Platinum Our unit tests need to check that we can correctly calculate the status level achieved when a frequent flyer earns a certain number of points. This is a classic problem where data-driven tests would provide an elegant, efficient solution. Data-driven testing is well-supported in modern JVM unit testing libraries such as Spock and Spec2. However, some teams don’t have the option of using a language other than Java, or are limited to using JUnit. In this article, we look at a few options for data-driven testing in plain old JUnit. Parameterized Tests in JUnit JUnit provides some support for data-driven tests, via the Parameterized test runner. A simple data-driven test in JUnit using this approach might look like this: @RunWith(Parameterized.class) public class WhenEarningStatus { @Parameters(name = "{index}: {0} initially had {1} points, earns {2} points, should become {3} ") public static Iterable data() { return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{ {Bronze, 0, 100, Bronze}, {Bronze, 0, 300, Silver}, {Bronze, 100, 200, Silver}, {Bronze, 0, 700, Gold}, {Bronze, 0, 1500, Platinum}, }); } private Status initialStatus; private int initialPoints; private int earnedPoints; private Status finalStatus; public WhenEarningStatus(Status initialStatus, int initialPoints, int earnedPoints, Status finalStatus) { this.initialStatus = initialStatus; this.initialPoints = initialPoints; this.earnedPoints = earnedPoints; this.finalStatus = finalStatus; } @Test public void shouldUpgradeStatusBasedOnPointsEarned() { FrequentFlyer member = FrequentFlyer.withFrequentFlyerNumber("12345678") .named("Joe", "Jones") .withStatusPoints(initialPoints) .withStatus(initialStatus); member.earns(earnedPoints).statusPoints(); assertThat(member.getStatus()).isEqualTo(finalStatus); } } You provide the test data in the form of a list of Object arrays, identified by the _@Parameterized@ annotation. These object arrays contain the rows of test data that you use for your data-driven test. Each row is used to instantiate member variables of the class, via the constructor. When you run the test, JUnit will instantiate and run a test for each row of data. You can use the name attribute of the @Parameterized annotation to provide a more meaningful title for each test. There are a few limitations to the JUnit parameterized tests. The most important is that, since the test data is defined at a class level and not at a test level, you can only have one set of test data per test class. Not to mention that the code is somewhat cluttered - you need to define member variables, a constructor, and so forth. Fortunatly, there is a better option. Using JUnitParams A more elegant way to do data-driven testing in JUnit is to use [|JUnitParams]. JUnitParams (see [|Maven Central] to find the latest version) is an open source library that makes data-driven testing in JUnit easier and more explicit. A simple data-driven test using JUnitParam looks like this: @RunWith(JUnitParamsRunner.class) public class WhenEarningStatusWithJUnitParams { @Test @Parameters({ "Bronze, 0, 100, Bronze", "Bronze, 0, 300, Silver", "Bronze, 100, 200, Silver", "Bronze, 0, 700, Gold", "Bronze, 0, 1500, Platinum" }) public void shouldUpgradeStatusBasedOnPointsEarned(Status initialStatus, int initialPoints, int earnedPoints, Status finalStatus) { FrequentFlyer member = FrequentFlyer.withFrequentFlyerNumber("12345678") .named("Joe", "Jones") .withStatusPoints(initialPoints) .withStatus(initialStatus); member.earns(earnedPoints).statusPoints(); assertThat(member.getStatus()).isEqualTo(finalStatus); } } Test data is defined in the @Parameters annotation, which is associated with the test itself, not the class, and passed to the test via method parameters. This makes it possible to have different sets of test data for different tests in the same class, or mixing data-driven tests with normal tests in the same class, which is a much more logical way of organizing your classes. JUnitParam also lets you get test data from other methods, as illustrated here: @Test @Parameters(method = "sampleData") public void shouldUpgradeStatusFromEarnedPoints(Status initialStatus, int initialPoints, int earnedPoints, Status finalStatus) { FrequentFlyer member = FrequentFlyer.withFrequentFlyerNumber("12345678") .named("Joe", "Jones") .withStatusPoints(initialPoints) .withStatus(initialStatus); member.earns(earnedPoints).statusPoints(); assertThat(member.getStatus()).isEqualTo(finalStatus); } private Object[] sampleData() { return $( $(Bronze, 0, 100, Bronze), $(Bronze, 0, 300, Silver), $(Bronze, 100, 200, Silver) ); } The $ method provides a convenient short-hand to convert test data to the Object arrays that need to be returned. You can also externalize @Test @Parameters(source=StatusTestData.class) public void shouldUpgradeStatusFromEarnedPoints(Status initialStatus,int initialPoints, int earnedPoints,Status finalStatus){ ... } The test data here comes from a method in the StatusTestData class: public class StatusTestData{ public static Object[] provideEarnedPointsTable(){ return $( $(Bronze,0, 100,Bronze), $(Bronze,0, 300,Silver), $(Bronze,100,200,Silver) ); } } This method needs to be static, return an object array, and start with the word "provide". Getting test data from external methods or classes in this way opens the way to retrieving test data from external sources such as CSV or Excel files. JUnitParam provides a simple and clean way to implement data-driven tests in JUnit, without the overhead and limitations of the traditional JUnit parameterized tests. Testing with non-Java languages If you are not constrained to Java and/or JUnit, more modern tools such as Spock ( and Spec2 provide great ways of writing clean, expressive unit tests in Groovy and Scala respectively. In Groovy, for example, you could write a test like the following: class WhenEarningStatus extends Specification{ def"should earn status based on the number of points earned"(){ given: def member =FrequentFlyer.withFrequentFlyerNumber("12345678") .named("Joe","Jones") .withStatusPoints(initialPoints) .withStatus(initialStatus); when: member.earns(earnedPoints).statusPoints() then: member.status == finalStatus where: initialStatus | initialPoints | earnedPoints | finalStatus Bronze |0 |100 |Bronze Bronze |0 |300 |Silver Bronze |100 |200 |Silver Silver |0 |700 |Gold Gold |0 |1500 |Platinum } } John Ferguson Smart is a specialist in BDD, automated testing, and software life cycle development optimization, and author of BDD in Action and other books. John runsregular courses in Australia, London and Europe on related topics such as Agile Requirements Gathering, Behaviour Driven Development, Test Driven Development, andAutomated Acceptance Testing. Blog Links >>
July 27, 2014
by John Ferguson Smart
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