This guide walks through the process of creating a RESTful API that talks to an Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) instance, complete with examples.
Function pipelines allow seamless execution of multiple functions in a sequential manner, where the output of one function serves as the input to the next.
How to identify and troubleshoot distributed (XA) transactions stuck in the prepared state in MySQL using XA recover, XA commit, and XA rollback commands.
Make writing code in Kotlin an even more rewarding and fun experience as you explore the benefits of converting Java code to Kotlin and conversion solutions.
In the below article, learn how to use Karapace, an open-source Apache Kafka® schema registry, to prevent data errors by managing the data model across databases.
JavaScript development comes with an overwhelming array of tools -- so in this series, we analyse the JS tools to watch in 2024. Part two covers the most important frameworks and static site generators in the 2024 JS ecosystem, including React, Vue, Astro, and Hugo.
This detailed description of how implementations of the Java Executor interface work focuses on relations between all of the Executors and their use cases.