Develop a simple app in minutes with a React frontend that makes GraphQL calls against a Spring Boot Data JPA service backed by Oracle database and accessed via UCP.
Websites must have a user login from the client to perform basic tasks. Modern websites use this component most of the time to provide convenience for users.
java.lang.String#intern() is an interesting function in Java. In this post, let’s discuss the performance impact of using this function in your application.
This post focuses on how Trestle enables personas to collaboratively author the compliance artifacts by providing a variety of interfaces and authoring methods.
Dive into the successor of the Nose framework, Nose2. Like Nose, Nose2 extends the unittest framework and can be used extensively for Selenium test automation.
In part 2 of an experiment with FerretDB and CockroachDB, restore a MongoDB collection into CockroachDB via FerretDB, and expand on previous learnings.
Want to know how text editors work, how shell scripts change terminal text colors, update lines without scrolling, or move the cursor around? Here, learn how.