A preview of our new research guide: The DZone Guide to the Java Ecosystem, from Ivar Grimstad about how to build microservices and use containers in Java.
Speedment is an alternative to traditional ORMs, and older database classes requiring 100 lines of Java code may be replaced with a single line of Java 8
As a Java programmer, you will often need to work with date and time. In this post, we will learn how to get the current time of the day in Java applications.
An MVC Controller is a JAX-RS resource method annotated with @Controller. If a class is annotated with @Controller, then all resource methods of this class are regarded as controllers.
This is a quick tip on how to get a vanilla Java Docker image running on the OpenShift Origin open source cloud platform, complete with the WildFly Java EE application server.
By default, sources of a dependency are downloaded and added to a project, but not Javadoc sources. Gradle can use IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse project files to download them.