This rather long, but extremely well-researched article by Kai Wähner is a follow-up and update to his previous article "Microservices and whether that spells the death of the Enterprise Service Bus and other middleware." In this piece, he discusses how relevant microservices, containers, and a cloud-native architecture is for middleware. Take the time and read this... it's well worth it!
Sometimes, it might be worth squeezing few more milliseconds from your Camel routes. Here are some ideas for tuning Camel based systems, which may apply for you.
A brilliant from-the-start introduction to using Spring Boot on Docker. This article even takes you through what Docker is so you've no excuse not to give it a whirl.
Did you know Groovy has options to make your code run just as fast as Java? Take a look at this article to see what you can do to increase Groovy's speed.
Most developers suck. I think everyone can acknowledge there is a significant portion of the developer community in any language (but particularly Java) that just doesn’t know how to write good code.
IBM Websphere Liberty comes with great out of the box support for Swagger, including their own branded Swagger UI. You might, however, want to create your own branded UI.
This article looks at the CUBA Platform – an open-source framework combining solid architecture, "must-have" features for enterprise applications, and rapid application development tools.