In this blog, you saw an example of how to use Lambda to process messages sent to SNS and store them in DynamoDB, thanks to the SNS and Lamdba integration.
This step-by-step tutorial explores how Quarkus enables Java developers to implement serverless functions on AWS Lambda to process dynamic data on AWS DynamoDB.
Learn a way to transform a standard synchronous service into a redirect-based long-polled service. The core of the idea is to utilize HTTP302 response status.
Explore a detailed article on implementing Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) in Quarkus. It reviews both built-in and custom methods to ensure secure REST API access.
Creating WireMock stubs requires extra effort; @GenerateWireMockStub for Spring REST controllers makes the creation of WireMock stubs for tests safe and effortless.
If you're not a REST expert, you probably use the same HTTP codes over and over in your responses. Here, learn how using the correct response status codes can make your API stand out.
While automated pen testing has perks, manual pen testing is still beneficial. Manual pen testers can rely on hard-earned experience, prevent false positives, and more.
Build powerful RESTful APIs using Java Spring Boot. Use our quick and easy tutorial for retrieving credit scores and setting up a basic REST API using Postman.
The Integration Architecture guiding principles are guidelines to increase the consistency and quality of technology decision-making for the integration solutions.
In this article, we will explore ten best practices for using Kubernetes Network Policies to enhance the security and reliability of your applications.
E2e testing is notably slower and more expensive than lower-level tests. In this article, we will cover tools and approaches to make e2e testing easier.