For mission critical software, the more information about potential bugs, the better. This article describes using PC-lint to perform analyis of an application destined for space.
Areas are some of the most important components of ASP.NET MVC projects. The main use of Areas is to physically partition a web project in separate units. In short, areas can be defined as smaller functional units in an ASP.NET MVC project with their own set of controllers, views, and models. Learn more here.
Documentation is a critical, if often overlooked, aspect of any software project, and Andy Wilkinson has taken some time to answer a few questions on the newly released Spring REST Docs project.
Often we face a scenario where the service being called does not follow the standards or uses some kind of home-made authentication, even inside the SOAP Body...
Angular JS is a JavaScript framework for developing applications and generally expects data to be in the form of JSON, here you'll see how to get JSON from XML.
pac4j is a full security library, easy and powerful, which supports authentication and authorization, but also application logout and advanced features like CSRF protection.
Customizing Android Devices with Runtime Resource Overlay: Enabling Device-Specific Information and Regulatory Compliance without Rebuilding System Images