SVNKitis an Open Source pure Java Subversion library. SVNKit literally brings Subversion, popular open source version control system, to the Java world. With SVNKit you can do the following: All standard Subversion operations: For instance, the following snipped checks out project from repository: File dstPath = new File("c:/svnkit"); SVNURL url = SVNURL. parseURIEncoded(""); SVNClientManager cm = SVNClientManager.newInstance(); SVNUpdateClient uc = cm.getUpdateClient(); uc.doCheckout(url, dstPath, SVNRevision.UNDEFINED, SVNRevision.HEAD, true); Updates it to the latest revision: uc.doUpdate(dstPath, SVNRevision.HEAD, true); And finally commits local changes in "www" subdirectory if there are any: SVNCommitClient cc = cm.getCommitClient(); cc.doCommit(new File[] {new File(dstPath, "www")}, false, "message", false, true); SVNKit supports all standard Subversion operations and compatible with the latest version of Subversion. Access Subversion repository directly: Some applications will benefit from working with repository directly, without keeping working copy locally. Example below displays list of files in "www" directory. SVNURL url = SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(""); SVNRepository repos = SVNRepositoryFactory.create(url); long headRevision = repos.getLatestRevision(); Collection entriesList = repos.getDir("www", headRevision, null, (Collection) null); for (Iterator entries = entriesList.iterator(); entries.hasNext();) { SVNDirEntry entry = (SVNDirEntry); System.out.println("entry: " + entry.getName()); System.out.println("last modified at revision: " + entry.getDate() + " by " + entry.getAuthor()); } Direct repository access API allows to perform operations like update, commit, diff and many other. Additionaly to the performance benefits of the direct access to repository, this API makes it possible to version arbitrary objects or object models within Subevrsion repository, not only files from the file system. Replace JNI Subversion bindings with SVNKit: Native Subversion provides Java interface that works with Subversion binaries through JNI. In case you already using it or would like to use as an option, you may also use SVNKit through exactly the same interface. This way you'll let your application dynamically switch between JNI and SVNKit implementation of the same API or let your application work on the platforms where there are no native Subversion binaries. For example: // pure Java implementation of the standard Subversion Java interface SVNClientInterface jniAPI = SVNClientImpl.newInstance(); byte[] contents = jniAPI.fileContent("", Revision.HEAD); SVNKit is widely used in different applications, including IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse Subversion integrations, SmartSVN, JDeveloper, bug tracking server side applications (e.g. Atlassian JIRA) and repository management and tracking tools (e.g. Atlassian FishEye) and many others. Where to get more information: Recently we've released SVNKit version 1.1.6 which is bugfix release. At you will find more information on that new version and, of course, downloads, documentation, source code example and articles explaining how to use SVNKit. In case of any questions you're welcome at our mailing list, or just contact us at SVNKit is widely used in different applications, including IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse Subversion integrations, SmartSVN, JDeveloper, bug tracking server side applications (e.g. Atlassian JIRA) and repository management and tracking tools (e.g. Atlassian FishEye) and many others. With best regards, TMate Software, - Java [Sub]Versioning Library!
Using patches is a popular way to share changes between the teammates or supply updates to software products to the customers. With IntelliJ IDEA, creating and applying versioned patches is quite simple and intuitive: you can do it from the main Version Control menu, or from the Changes tool window. However, IntelliJ IDEA suggests an additional way to create and apply your “personal” patches. As we have discussed earlier, numerous changes pass unnoticed by the version control systems, because you just do not check in every change you make to your files while working. You know that IntelliJ IDEA keeps your own “personal version control” – the local history. Besides the possibility to roll back to a certain revision, you can also create a patch on the base of a revision or action, share it with your colleagues, and apply it when necessary. Local history applies to the folders, files, members and fragments of text, but the technique of creating a patch is common in all cases. Let’s see how it’s done. Select a folder in the Project tool window, and choose Local History on its context menu. In the Local History view, right-click the desired revision, and choose Create Patch: [img_assist|nid=1204|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=505|height=357] In the dialog box that opens, specify the name and location of the patch file: [img_assist|nid=1205|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=415|height=136] An interesting possibility is suggested by the Reverse patch checkbox. If you check this option, IntelliJ IDEA will create a patch that rolls back the selected action. For example, it you have created a file, the patch will delete it. Applying your “personal” patch is done as usual, using the Apply Patch command on the main Version Control menu. If a patch file is stored in project, you can invoke this command on the context menu of the patch file in the Project tool window: [img_assist|nid=1206|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=249|height=195]