Are containers good for the enterprise? Yep. Is Oracle used everywhere for enterprise DBMS? Yes, all the numbers say. Learn how to deploy a Java app with two existing Oracle XE databases using Docker.
Spark has already over taken Hadoop (MapReduce) in general, because of benefits it provides in terms of faster execution in iterative processing algorithms.
A preview of our new research guide: The DZone Guide to the Java Ecosystem, from Ivar Grimstad about how to build microservices and use containers in Java.
There's more than one way to build microservices. Learn the Aggregator, Proxy, Chained, Branch, Shared Data, and Asynchronous Messaging Microservice Design Patterns
Speedment is an alternative to traditional ORMs, and older database classes requiring 100 lines of Java code may be replaced with a single line of Java 8
Different techniques can be used to handle multi-tenant data in Solr. This article discusses routing techniques you can use depending on the size and number of shards.
I am going to explain how to use Spring Security in a Spring MVC Application to authenticate and authorize users against user details stored in a MySQL Database.