Minimum Viable Architecture is the architecture that’s good enough for the product to be released and needs to be continually improved during the lifetime of the product.
Ro's Plum Ertz caught up with us a Dev Interrupted to talk about the disconnect between healthcare and digital accessibility and the rise of telemedicine.
After her keynote address at the LeadDev conference in New York, Nora took the time to talk to us about chaos engineering and how to lead based on incidents.
Exploratory Programming emphasizes discovery and learning through experimentation, using problem-solving techniques, intuition, and creativity in coding.
Discover how Platform Engineering and dynamic Internal Developer Platforms can impact business metrics like revenue, time to market, and customer satisfaction.
I identified ten Scrum Master success indicators from a team perspective, from self-sufficiency to delivering valuable Increments to embracing self-management.
Duolingo's Sr. Director of Engineering, Fabio Lessa joins us to discuss RTO and how Duolingo has been so successful in transitioning back to an office.
Do your technology friends have no idea that your company even exists, much less what they do? Unable to attract talent? Perhaps they need some name recognition.