Jersey: Listing all Resources, Paths, Verbs to Build an Entry Point/Index for an API
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Join For FreeI’ve been playing around with Jersey over the past couple of days and one thing I wanted to do was create an entry point or index which listed all my resources, the available paths and the verbs they accepted.
Guido Simone explained a neat way of finding the paths and verbs for a specific resource using Jersey’sIntrospectionModeller:
AbstractResource resource = IntrospectionModeller.createResource(JacksonResource.class); System.out.println("Path is " + resource.getPath().getValue()); String uriPrefix = resource.getPath().getValue(); for (AbstractSubResourceMethod srm :resource.getSubResourceMethods()) { String uri = uriPrefix + "/" + srm.getPath().getValue(); System.out.println(srm.getHttpMethod() + " at the path " + uri + " return " + srm.getReturnType().getName()); }
If we run that against j4-minimal‘s JacksonResource class we get the following output:
Path is /jackson GET at the path /jackson/{who} return com.g414.j4.minimal.JacksonResource$Greeting GET at the path /jackson/awesome/{who} return
That’s pretty neat but I didn’t want to have to manually list all my resources since I’ve already done that using Guice .
I needed a way to programatically get hold of them and I partially found the way to do this from this postwhich suggests using Application.getSingletons().
I actually ended up using Application.getClasses() and I ended up with ResourceListingResource:
@Path("/") public class ResourceListingResource { @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response showAll( @Context Application application, @Context HttpServletRequest request) { String basePath = request.getRequestURL().toString(); ObjectNode root = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode(); ArrayNode resources = JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode(); root.put( "resources", resources ); for ( Class<?> aClass : application.getClasses() ) { if ( isAnnotatedResourceClass( aClass ) ) { AbstractResource resource = IntrospectionModeller.createResource( aClass ); ObjectNode resourceNode = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode(); String uriPrefix = resource.getPath().getValue(); for ( AbstractSubResourceMethod srm : resource.getSubResourceMethods() ) { String uri = uriPrefix + "/" + srm.getPath().getValue(); addTo( resourceNode, uri, srm, joinUri(basePath, uri) ); } for ( AbstractResourceMethod srm : resource.getResourceMethods() ) { addTo( resourceNode, uriPrefix, srm, joinUri( basePath, uriPrefix ) ); } resources.add( resourceNode ); } } return Response.ok().entity( root ).build(); } private void addTo( ObjectNode resourceNode, String uriPrefix, AbstractResourceMethod srm, String path ) { if ( resourceNode.get( uriPrefix ) == null ) { ObjectNode inner = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode(); inner.put("path", path); inner.put("verbs", JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode()); resourceNode.put( uriPrefix, inner ); } ((ArrayNode) resourceNode.get( uriPrefix ).get("verbs")).add( srm.getHttpMethod() ); } private boolean isAnnotatedResourceClass( Class rc ) { if ( rc.isAnnotationPresent( Path.class ) ) { return true; } for ( Class i : rc.getInterfaces() ) { if ( i.isAnnotationPresent( Path.class ) ) { return true; } } return false; } }
The only change I’ve made from Guido Simone’s solution is that I also call resource.getResourceMethods()because resource.getSubResourceMethods() only returns methods which have a @Path annotation.
Since we’ll sometimes define our path at the class level and then define different verbs that operate on that resource it misses some methods out.
If we run a cURL command (piped through python to make it look nice) against the root we get the following output:
$ curl http://localhost:8080/ -w "\n" 2>/dev/null | python -mjson.tool { "resources": [ { "/bench": { "path": "http://localhost:8080/bench", "verbs": [ "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE" ] } }, { "/sample/{who}": { "path": "http://localhost:8080/sample/{who}", "verbs": [ "GET" ] } }, { "/jackson/awesome/{who}": { "path": "http://localhost:8080/jackson/awesome/{who}", "verbs": [ "GET" ] }, "/jackson/{who}": { "path": "http://localhost:8080/jackson/{who}", "verbs": [ "GET" ] } }, { "/": { "path": "http://localhost:8080/", "verbs": [ "GET" ] } } ] }
Published at DZone with permission of Mark Needham, DZone MVB. See the original article here.
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