JAXB and Joda-Time: Dates and Times
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provides an alternative to the Date and Calendar classes currently
provided in Java SE. Since they are provided in a separate library JAXB
does not provide a default mapping for these classes. We can supply
the necessary mapping via XmlAdapters. In this post we will cover the
following Joda-Time types: DateTime, DateMidnight, LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime.
Java Model
Java Model
The following domain model will be used for this example:
package blog.jodatime; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType; import org.joda.time.DateMidnight; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime; import org.joda.time.LocalTime; @XmlRootElement @XmlType(propOrder={ "dateTime", "dateMidnight", "localDate", "localTime", "localDateTime"}) public class Root { private DateTime dateTime; private DateMidnight dateMidnight; private LocalDate localDate; private LocalTime localTime; private LocalDateTime localDateTime; public DateTime getDateTime() { return dateTime; } public void setDateTime(DateTime dateTime) { this.dateTime = dateTime; } public DateMidnight getDateMidnight() { return dateMidnight; } public void setDateMidnight(DateMidnight dateMidnight) { this.dateMidnight = dateMidnight; } public LocalDate getLocalDate() { return localDate; } public void setLocalDate(LocalDate localDate) { this.localDate = localDate; } public LocalTime getLocalTime() { return localTime; } public void setLocalTime(LocalTime localTime) { this.localTime = localTime; } public LocalDateTime getLocalDateTime() { return localDateTime; } public void setLocalDateTime(LocalDateTime localDateTime) { this.localDateTime = localDateTime; } }
Since Joda-Time
and XML Schema both represent data and time information according to ISO
8601 the implementation of the XmlAdapters is quite trivial.
package blog.jodatime; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter; import org.joda.time.DateTime; public class DateTimeAdapter extends XmlAdapter<String, DateTime>{ public DateTime unmarshal(String v) throws Exception { return new DateTime(v); } public String marshal(DateTime v) throws Exception { return v.toString(); } }
package blog.jodatime; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter; import org.joda.time.DateMidnight; public class DateMidnightAdapter extends XmlAdapter<String, DateMidnight> { public DateMidnight unmarshal(String v) throws Exception { return new DateMidnight(v); } public String marshal(DateMidnight v) throws Exception { return v.toString(); } }
package blog.jodatime; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; public class LocalDateAdapter extends XmlAdapter<String, LocalDate>{ public LocalDate unmarshal(String v) throws Exception { return new LocalDate(v); } public String marshal(LocalDate v) throws Exception { return v.toString(); } }
package blog.jodatime; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter; import org.joda.time.LocalTime; public class LocalTimeAdapter extends XmlAdapter<String, LocalTime> { public LocalTime unmarshal(String v) throws Exception { return new LocalTime(v); } public String marshal(LocalTime v) throws Exception { return v.toString(); } }
package blog.jodatime; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter; import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime; public class LocalDateTimeAdapter extends XmlAdapter<String, LocalDateTime>{ public LocalDateTime unmarshal(String v) throws Exception { return new LocalDateTime(v); } public String marshal(LocalDateTime v) throws Exception { return v.toString(); } }
Registering the XmlAdapters
We will use the @XmlJavaTypeAdapters
annotation to register the Joda-Time types at the package level. This
means that whenever these types are found on a field/property on a class
within this package the XmlAdapter will automatically be applied.
@XmlJavaTypeAdapters({ @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(type=DateTime.class, value=DateTimeAdapter.class), @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(type=DateMidnight.class, value=DateMidnightAdapter.class), @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(type=LocalDate.class, value=LocalDateAdapter.class), @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(type=LocalTime.class, value=LocalTimeAdapter.class), @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(type=LocalDateTime.class, value=LocalDateTimeAdapter.class) }) package blog.jodatime; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapters; import org.joda.time.DateMidnight; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime; import org.joda.time.LocalTime;
To run the following demo you will need the Joda-Time jar on your classpath. It can be obtained here:
To run the following demo you will need the Joda-Time jar on your classpath. It can be obtained here:
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/joda-time/files/joda-time/
package blog.jodatime; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller; import org.joda.time.DateMidnight; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime; import org.joda.time.LocalTime; public class Demo { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Root root = new Root(); root.setDateTime(new DateTime(2011, 5, 30, 11, 2, 30, 0)); root.setDateMidnight(new DateMidnight(2011, 5, 30)); root.setLocalDate(new LocalDate(2011, 5, 30)); root.setLocalTime(new LocalTime(11, 2, 30)); root.setLocalDateTime(new LocalDateTime(2011, 5, 30, 11, 2, 30)); JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(Root.class); Marshaller marshaller = jc.createMarshaller(); marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true); marshaller.marshal(root, System.out); } }
The following is the output from our demo code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <root> <dateTime>2011-05-30T11:02:30.000-04:00</dateTime> <dateMidnight>2011-05-30T00:00:00.000-04:00</dateMidnight> <localDate>2011-05-30</localDate> <localTime>11:02:30.000</localTime> <localDateTime>2011-05-30T11:02:30.000</localDateTime> </root>
From http://blog.bdoughan.com/2011/05/jaxb-and-joda-time-dates-and-times.html
Domain model
Java (programming language)
Calendar (Apple)
Data (computing)
Classpath (Java)
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