Enforcing MuleSoft JWT Validation Policy Using API Manager API
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JSON Web Token (JWT) is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between the two parties. The claims in a JWT are encoded as a JSON object that is used as the payload of a JSON Web Signature (JWS) structure or as the plaintext of a JSON Web Encryption (JWE) structure, enabling the claims to be digitally signed or integrity protected with a Message Authentication Code (MAC) and/or encrypted.
- JWTs are stateless, making tokens easier to manage.
- JWTs can be used to transfer claims securely between parties.
- JWTs are scalable.
- JWTs are decoupled in nature allowing authentication to happen on a different server.
The tokens are compact. JSON format makes the token less verbose than XML. The smaller size allows easier transmission over HTTP. - JWTs are JSON-based and can be easily parsed by multiple receiving systems, especially mobiles. This enables industry-wide adoption.
The JWT Validation policy validates the signature of the token and asserts the values of the claims of all incoming requests by using a JWT with JWS format. The policy does not validate JWT that uses JWE.
Validating Claims
Claim validations enable you to choose the conditions under which a token received in the policy is rejected. The following registered claim validations are provided by default:
- aud: The Audience validation specifies that a token must be rejected if it does not contain at least one of the values defined.
- exp: The Expiration validation specifies that a token must be rejected if its date is past the validation date.
- nbf: The Not before validation specifies that the token must be rejected if the validation time is before the time the token has.
In addition to these provided claims, you can also specify other claims to use in your validations. For all claims, Registered or Custom, you must provide the following details:
- The name of the claim you want to validate. For example, for the issuer of the token.
- The value used to test.
You can provide a simple literal value if you only need to verify it, or you can provide a DataWeave expression for more complex comparisons.
You can define each claim validation as mandatory or non-mandatory. If a claim is defined as mandatory and is not present in the incoming JWT, the policy rejects this token. If a claim is defined as non-mandatory and is not present in the incoming JWT, the policy does not reject the token for that specific validation.
For both cases, if a claim is present, the policy validates the token value. If the validation fails, the JWT will be rejected.
Element |
Description |
Example |
JWT Origin |
Specifies from where in the request the JWT will be extracted: * Bearer Authentication Header * Custom Expression If you set it to Bearer Authentication Header, the JWT will be expected as Bearer. If you set this field to Custom Expression, a DataWeave Expression returning the token must be provided. |
Token Expression |
If you set the JWT Origin to Custom Expression, type the DataWeave expression returning the JWT here. |
#[attributes.headers['jwt']] This expression searches the JWT in the header named ‘jwt’. |
JWT Signing Method |
Specify the signing method expected in the incoming JWT. The policy rejects the token if the JWT has a different signing method. |
RSA, HMAC, None |
JWT Signing Key Length |
Specify the length of the key (in the case of the HMAC algorithm) or the algorithm (in the case of RSA) used for the signing method. Ignore this field if you selected none as JWT Signing Method. |
JWT Key Origin |
Specifies where to obtain the key for the Signature validation. You can provide the key in the policy selecting the Text option or obtain it from JWKS. Ignore this field if you selected none as the JWT Signing Method. |
JWT Key |
This field appears if you select Text as JWT Key Origin. Use this field to provide the key used to check the signature of the token. Ignore this field if you selected none as the JWT Signing Method. |
A 32, 48 or 64 characters long shared secret in case HMAC was the selected JWT Signing Method or the PEM Public Key without the header nor the footer in case of selecting RSA. |
This field appears if you selected the JWKS method as JWT Key Origin. Ignore this field if you selected none as the JWT Signing Method. |
The URL to the JWKS server. |
JWKS Caching Time To Live |
The URL to the JWKS server that contains the public keys for the signature validation. Ignore this field if you selected none as the JWT Signing Method. |
This field input is the amount of time, in minutes, during which the policy considers the JWKS valid. |
Skip Client ID Validation |
If you check this field, the policy does not verify that the client ID extracted from the JWT matches a valid client application of the API. |
By default, the value will be extracted using the expression #[vars.claimSet.client_id] |
Client ID Expression |
If Skip Client Id Validation is not set, the client ID needs to be extracted from the token. |
Validate Audience Claim |
Indicates that the policy should check for the validity of the audience claim. You can set this "Mandatory" if you select Audience Claim Mandatory. |
Validate Expiration Claim |
Indicates that the policy should check for the validity of the expiration claim. You can set this claim as "Mandatory" by selecting Expiration Claim Mandatory. |
Validate Not Before Claim |
Indicates that the policy should check for the validity of the Not Before claim. You can set this claim as "Mandatory" by selecting Not Before Claim Mandatory |
Validate Custom Claim |
Enables the usage of custom validations in the policy. The JWT will be valid only if all DataWeave expressions are fulfilled. |
The policy provides a claimSet variable that contains all the claims present in the incoming JWT. For example: foo : #[vars.claimSet.foo == 'fooValue'] |
There are various attributes required to enforce a JWT validation policy.
Applying the JWT Validation Policy Using API Manager API
First, we need to identify which API can be used to apply the policies. So, Mulesoft provided a developer portal that can be used to fetch details about the policies API.Policies API URL
We need to pass organizationId, environmentId, and apiId in the above URL as URI parameter.Fetching Organization Id
To fetch Organization Id, Navigate to Access Management ⇒ Organization, click on your organization, and it will open a pop-up window that provides the Organization Id. This can be used in the URI parameter of the policies API.
Fetching Environment Id
To fetch Environment Id, Navigate to Access Management ⇒ Environment, click on your environment (i.e. Sandbox), and it will open a pop-up window. From there, we can get the environment Id in URL, and it can be used in the URI parameter of the policies API.
Fetching API Id
For fetching API Id, Navigate to the API Manager in AnyPoint Platform and select the API for which you need to apply the policy, and you can see API Id.
Now, we have the organizationId, environmentId, and apiId that need to be passed to the policies API as URI parameters.
We will also need an access token that we'll be pass in the Authorization header of Policies API request.
Generating Access Token
MuleSoft provides a separate API for generating access token. To do that, you need to pass your username and password in the request body.
You can use curl to generate the token:
$ curl -H "Content-Type application/json" -X POST -d '{"username":"<<Anypoint_Username>>","password":"<<Anypoint_Password>>"}' https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/accounts/login
"access_token": "0cf70dc0-1982-42b5-8140-836048c15ce8",
"token_type": "bearer",
"redirectUrl": "/home/"
You can also use Postman to generate the token.
Applying the Policy Using API Manager API
First, we need to identify what attributes we need to pass for applying the JWT validation policy. Go to exchange and search for “JWT Validation Policy Template”.
Click on API Gateway JWT Validation Template.
Now, download the Policy definition, which will give you a YAML file that will provide all attributes that we need to pass.
id jwt-validation
name JWT Validation
All calls to the API must include a Json Web Token (JWT) to use the API.
This policy will require updates to the RAML definition in order to function.
category Security
type system
violationCategory authentication
JWT Validation
propertyName jwtOrigin
name JWT origin
description Origin of the JWT.
name HTTP Bearer Authentication Header
value httpBearerAuthenticationHeader
name Custom Expression
value customExpression
type radio
defaultValue httpBearerAuthenticationHeader
propertyName jwtExpression
name Token Expression
description Mule Expression to be used to extract the JWT from API requests
type expression
dependsOnKey jwtOrigin
dependsOnValue customExpression
propertyName signingMethod
name JWT Signing Method
description Specifies the method to be used by the policy to decode the JWT.
name RSA
value rsa
name HMAC
value hmac
name None
value none
type radio
defaultValue rsa
propertyName signingKeyLength
name JWT Signing Key Length
Specifies the length of the key to be in the signing method for HMAC, or the SHA algorithm used for RSA.
Ignore this field if the JWT Signing Method was set to None.
type radio
propertyName jwtKeyOrigin
name JWT Key origin
Origin of the JWT Key.
The JWKS option is only supported if the JWT Signing Method was set to RSA.
Ignore this field if the JWT Signing Method was set to None.
name Text
value text
name JWKS
value jwks
type radio
defaultValue text
propertyName textKey
The shared secret in case the JWT Signing Method is set to HMAC.
Include the public PEM key without -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- and -----END PUBLIC KEY----- for RSA signing.
Ignore this field if the JWT Signing Method was set to None.
name JWT Key
type string
defaultValue your-(256|384|512)-bit-secret/your-public-pem-certificate
dependsOnKey jwtKeyOrigin
dependsOnValue text
dependsOnUnfulfilledDefaultValue your-(256|384|512)-bit-secret
propertyName jwksUrl
name JWKS Url
The Url to the JWKS server that contains the public keys for the signature validation.
Ignore this field if the JWT Signing Method was set to None.
type string
defaultValue http //your-jwks-service.example 80/base/path
dependsOnKey jwtKeyOrigin
dependsOnValue jwks
dependsOnUnfulfilledDefaultValue http //your-jwks-service.example 80/base/path
propertyName jwksServiceTimeToLive
name JWKS Caching TTL (minutes)
The amount of time, in minutes, that the JWKS will be considered valid. Once the JWKS has expired,
it will have to be retrieved again. Default value is 1 hour.
Ignore this field if the JWT Signing Method was set to None.
type int
dependsOnKey jwtKeyOrigin
dependsOnValue jwks
propertyName skipClientIdValidation
name Skip Client Id Validation
description Skips client application's API contract validation.
type boolean
propertyName clientIdExpression
name Client ID Expression
description Expression to obtain the Client ID from the request in order to validate it.
type expression
dependsOnKey skipClientIdValidation
propertyName validateAudClaim
name Validate Audience Claim
description The JWT will be valid only if the aud claim contains at least one audiences value defined here.
type boolean
propertyName mandatoryAudClaim
description If a claim is marked as mandatory, and this claim is not present in the incoming JWT, the request will fail.
name Audience Claim Mandatory
type boolean
dependsOnKey validateAudClaim
propertyName supportedAudiences
name Audience Claim Values
description Comma separated list of supported audience values.
type string
defaultValue aud.example.com
dependsOnKey validateAudClaim
dependsOnUnfulfilledDefaultValue aud.example.com
propertyName mandatoryExpClaim
name Expiration Claim Mandatory
description If a claim is marked as mandatory, and this claim is not present in the incoming JWT, the request will fail.
type boolean
propertyName mandatoryNbfClaim
name Not Before Claim Mandatory
description If a claim is marked as mandatory, and this claim is not present in the incoming JWT, the request will fail.
type boolean
propertyName validateCustomClaim
description The JWT will be valid only if all DataWeave expressions defined here are valid.
name Validate Custom Claim
type boolean
propertyName mandatoryCustomClaims
name Mandatory Custom Claim Validations
Specify the Claim Name and the literal to validate the value of a claim E.g foo : fooValue
If more complex validations must be made or the claim value is an array or an object, provide Claim Name and DataWeave expression to validate the value of a claim. E.g. foo : #[vars.claimSet.foo == 'fooValue']
If a claim is marked as mandatory and this claim is not present in the incoming jwt, the request will fail.
type keyvalues
dependsOnKey validateCustomClaim
propertyName nonMandatoryCustomClaims
name Non Mandatory Custom Claim Validations
Specify the Claim Name and the literal to validate the value of a claim E.g foo : fooValue
If more complex validations must be made or the claim value is an array or an object, provide Claim Name and DataWeave expression to validate the value of a claim. E.g. foo : #[vars.claimSet.foo == 'fooValue']
If a claim is marked as non-mandatory and this claim is not present in the incoming jwt, the request will not fail.
type keyvalues
dependsOnKey validateCustomClaim
Now, you can use CURL to apply a policy by calling policies API.
curl -X POST \
https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/apimanager/api/v1/organizations/:organizationId/environments/:environmentId/apis/:apiInstanceId/policies \
-H 'authorization Bearer 0cf70dc0-1982-42b5-8140-836048c15ce8 \
-H 'content-type application/json' \
-d '{
"textKey":"Text Data"
You need to pass organizationId, environmentId and apiId that we have fetched above. Currently, we have a placeholder in the above call to the policies API.
You can also use Postman also to call the policies API.
"textKey":"Text Data",
This is a very useful utility when you need to apply policies via CI/CD, and now, you know how to apply JWT validation policy using the API Manager API.
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