How to Use Automatic Index Recommendations in PostgreSQL
Use this tutorial to learn about using automatic recommendations of indexes for specific queries, all by using just three extensions.
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Join For FreeIn our last blog, we learned about the Need and Usage of Hypothetical Indexes in PostgreSQL. We can now "check" easily in a live environment, determine if some particular index will be helpful or not, and figure out how we get to know which index to test. To do this, you'll also need in-depth knowledge of indexing and experience in Postgresql. However, in PostgreSQL, we can get an automatic recommendation of indexes for specific queries by using three extensions hypog, pg_stat_statements, and pg_qualstats.
Let’s explore the practical uses of this feature in Postgres!
I'm experimenting with Postgres10 installed on Centos7.
- Install hypog here.
- Install pgqualstats using the following command:
yum install pg_qualstats10.x86_64
- Change the following in PostgreSQL.conf and restart PostgreSQL
shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements, pg_qualstats'
- Create the following extensions:
testdb=# CREATE EXTENSION hypopg ;
testdb=# CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements ;
testdb=# CREATE EXTENSION pg_qualstats;
- Set the sample rate of pgqual stats to 1 in PostgreSQL.conf. This rate defines how frequently to monitor and analyze the queries. Value '1' represents that keep track of all queries:
pg_qualstats.sample_rate = '1'
- Create the function that will be used to detect usable indexes:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION find_usable_indexes()
l_queries record;
l_querytext text;
l_idx_def text;
l_bef_exp text;
l_after_exp text;
hypo_idx record;
l_attr record;
/* l_err int; */
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.idx_recommendations (queryid bigint,
query text, current_plan jsonb, recmnded_index text, hypo_plan jsonb);
FOR l_queries IN
SELECT t.relid, t.relname, t.queryid, t.attnames, t.attnums,
pg_qualstats_example_query(t.queryid) as query
SELECT qs.relid::regclass AS relname, qs.relid AS relid, qs.queryid,
string_agg(DISTINCT attnames.attnames,',') AS attnames, qs.attnums
FROM pg_qualstats_all qs
JOIN pg_qualstats q ON q.queryid = qs.queryid
JOIN pg_stat_statements ps ON q.queryid = ps.queryid
JOIN pg_amop amop ON amop.amopopr = qs.opno
JOIN pg_am ON amop.amopmethod = pg_am.oid,
SELECT pg_attribute.attname AS attnames
FROM pg_attribute
JOIN unnest(qs.attnums) a(a) ON a.a = pg_attribute.attnum
AND pg_attribute.attrelid = qs.relid
ORDER BY pg_attribute.attnum) attnames,
LATERAL unnest(qs.attnums) attnum(attnum)
FROM pg_index i
WHERE i.indrelid = qs.relid AND
(arraycontains((i.indkey::integer[])[0:array_length(qs.attnums, 1) - 1],
qs.attnums::integer[]) OR arraycontains(qs.attnums::integer[],
(i.indkey::integer[])[0:array_length(i.indkey, 1) + 1]) AND i.indisunique)))
GROUP BY qs.relid, qs.queryid, qs.qualnodeid, qs.attnums) t
GROUP BY t.relid, t.relname, t.queryid, t.attnames, t.attnums
/* RAISE NOTICE '% : is queryid',l_queries.queryid; */
execute 'explain (FORMAT JSON) '||l_queries.query INTO l_bef_exp;
execute 'select hypopg_reset()';
execute 'SELECT indexrelid,indexname FROM hypopg_create_index(''CREATE INDEX on '||l_queries.relname||'('||l_queries.attnames||')'')' INTO hypo_idx;
execute 'explain (FORMAT JSON) '||l_queries.query INTO l_after_exp;
execute 'select hypopg_get_indexdef('||hypo_idx.indexrelid||')' INTO l_idx_def;
INSERT INTO public.idx_recommendations (queryid,query,current_plan,recmnded_index,hypo_plan)
VALUES (l_queries.queryid,l_querytext,l_bef_exp::jsonb,l_idx_def,l_after_exp::jsonb);
execute 'select hypopg_reset()';
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
- Now, Let’s make a table with 10 Crores rows as follows:
testdb=# create table orders as select s as orderno, md5(random()::text) as orderitem , now() as order_created from generate_Series(1,100000000) s;
SELECT 100000000
- Next, let's run a query on which we want to check if need to make an index:
testdb=# select * from orders where orderno = 80000 ;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-+---------------------------------
orderno | 80000
orderitem | 03b41c2f32d99e9a597010608946c4c6
order_created | 2021-05-22 17:52:21.435936+05:30
- Now, run the following queries to find out which indexes are recommended by this extension and what the improvement percentage is by applying these indexes hypothetically:
testdb=# select find_usable_indexes();
(1 row)
testdb=# select b.query, a.recmnded_index,round((((a.current_plan->0->'Plan'->>'Total Cost')::numeric-(hypo_plan->0->'Plan'->>'Total Cost')::numeric)*100/(a.current_plan->0->'Plan'->>'Total Cost')::numeric),2) as percent_improvd FROM idx_recommendations a JOIN pg_stat_statements b ON a.queryid = b.queryid WHERE round((((current_plan->0->'Plan'->>'Total Cost')::numeric-(hypo_plan->0->'Plan'->>'Total Cost')::numeric)*100/(current_plan->0->'Plan'->>'Total Cost')::numeric),2) > 0 order by 3 desc ;
query | recmnded_index | percent_improvd
select * from orders where orderno = $1 | CREATE INDEX ON public.orders USING btree (orderno) | 100.00
The above analysis was internally done by creating the indexes hypothetically, not by making real indexes.
Please note here that you do not fully rely on the automatic index recommendation. Yes, we have no doubt it is a very very useful feature, but please also consider logically why these recommended indexes are useful and whether you should really create them or not.
You can read the PostgreSQL Index Tutorial Series for a basic in-depth understanding of indexes in PostgreSQL.
You can now try the explained feature with more complex queries and comment on this article explaining your result with your queries. Let’s experiment and comment your thoughts below.
Published at DZone with permission of Sahil Aggarwal. See the original article here.
Opinions expressed by DZone contributors are their own.