8 Red Flags to Watch for in Your Code
You need to watch for red flags in your code. It’s never fun to look back at some bad code and wonder, ''Who wrote this garbage?'' …only to realize it was you.
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Join For FreeDo you know where your bugs are hiding in your codebase? Sometimes, bugs can be hard to spot, but other times, a quick look at a code file can reveal patterns that suggest where they may be lurking. This post is intended to help you spot some of those red flags that may indicate code problems.
These red flags are similar to code smells, but a code smell usually connotes design issues and requires understanding what the code does to suss out. Red flags are signs that you can read just by looking at the code.
Taken to extremes, anything that makes the reader spend time thinking about the code itself, instead of what the code is intended to do, can be considered a red flag. Ideally, code should be written to remove as many barriers to understanding as possible. Code segments that are harder to read are more likely to harbor bugs, so tread carefully when you encounter these eight red flags.
1. Visual Mechanics
While it’s important to be concerned about high-level design issues in your code, the nitty-gritty of construction matters, too. Keeping your code clean and up-to-date is an important part of maintenance.
In many ways, reading code is just like reading a natural language. There are rules and conventions that have evolved over time to make things easier for the reader to understand. Code that doesn’t follow these conventions is harder to read and is less likely to be read. Clean code will be read more often and will be glossed over less.
2. Inconsistent Formatting
The most obvious part of code visuals is indentation and structure, so this could be considered a subset of #1. But consistent formatting — especially indentation and spacing — is so important in making the code easier to be read that we gave it a red flag of its own.
A monstrosity like this is a breeding ground for bugs:
if ($phase == 1) {
else if ($phase == 2){database_setup();}
if ( 3 == $phase )
else { get_user_input(); }
Did you catch that both else
and elseif
are used here? Is that intentional? Could $phase
be changed by database_setup()
? Who knows?
Here’s how this segment could be rewritten to avoid the red flags:
if ( $phase == 1 ) {
elseif ( $phase == 2 ) {
elseif ( $phase == 3 ) {
else {
Or maybe:
if ($phase==1)
elseif ($phase==2)
elseif ($phase==3)
Either one of those reformatted versions is better than the original. There are plenty of arguments over how to handle indentation, brace placement, tabs vs. spaces, and how tight to have parentheses, but I’m not going to address them here. The key is that it should be consistent throughout your codebase, whatever you choose.
3. Incorrect English in Comments
There’s a famous saying that “Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.” This is even truer when working with comments in the code.
When you write comments, use complete English sentences. Don’t forget capital letters and punctuation. Write as if you were writing an email to someone else...because that’s pretty much what you are doing.
I found an example of this in a programming book recently. One of the code samples had a block of comments that read:
# random.random() produces numbers
# uniformly between 0 and 1
# it's the random function we'll use
# most often
Unfortunately, we have to waste brain cycles on figuring out what the writer meant, with no clues from capitalization or punctuation. How much easier it would have been to read:
# The random.random() function produces
# numbers uniformly between 0 and 1.
# It's the random function we'll use
# most often.
4. Misspelled Identifiers
Spelling also matters — both in comments and in the identifiers used. When you come across a misspelled word, you have to stop and figure out what the original intent was.
The worst kind of misspelling is when the programmer created an alternate spelling so they could have two variables named the same thing. I’ve found code that had two index variables, named index
and indx
for my $index ( 'A'..'Z' ) {
for my $indx ( 1..10 ) {
$totals[$indx][$index] = ...
Is that third line correct? Or should it have been $totals[$index][$indx]
Instead, make existing variable names more descriptive:
for my $column_index ( 'A'..'Z' ) {
for my $row_index ( 1..10 ) {
$totals[$row_index][$column_index] = ...
5. Cut-and-Paste Patterns
Sometimes, when a programmer gets a piece of code working, they will cut and paste the working code and then modify key elements of it in the new location. This can lead to code like this:
# Add current paycheck and adjustments to totals.
$tot{'salary'} += $curr{'salary'}+$adj{'salary'};
$tot{'federal'} += $curr{'federal'}+$adj{'federal'};
$tot{'state'} += $curr{'state'}+$adj{'state'};
$tot{'medical'} += $curr{'state'}+$adj{'medical'};
Blocks of cut-and-paste code like this lull the reader into thinking they know what the code is doing. Because the first few lines of code make sense, the reader assumes that the rest of the code is also correct. Instead, the reader should be more alert to problems in cut-and-pasted code.
This code is a mess to read. It’s hard to pick out patterns in the code. Putting the common parts of the code into columns would make it easier to see the patterns.
$tot{'salary'} += $curr{'salary'} + $adj{'salary'};
$tot{'federal'} += $curr{'federal'} + $adj{'federal'};
$tot{'state'} += $curr{'state'} + $adj{'state'};
$tot{'medical'} += $curr{'state'} + $adj{'medical'};
Now, it’s much easier to read, making it easier to tell that the line for $tot{'medical'}
is using $curr{'state'}
If the code is rewritten like this, the intent is much clearer and it’s less prone to errors:
for my $category ( 'salary', 'state', 'federal', 'medical' ) {
$tot{ $category } += $curr{ $category } + $adj{ $category }
6. Numbered Variables Instead of Distinguishing Between Similar Ones
Numbered variables can also be red flags because they make it harder for the programmer to distinguish between similar variables that differ by only one character and force them to spend mental cycles keeping track of what the various numbers mean.
Numbering variables usually happen when previously working code has to be extended and the programmer doing the extending chose the simplest approach that could work.
Take this code that totals up the sizes of files:
while ( my $file = get_next_file() ) {
$size += $file->bytes;
print "$size bytes used.";
So far, so good. But if the programmer later has to extend the code to count up the number of blocks used by the file and number of files overall, it turns into this:
while ( my $file = get_next_file() ) {
$size += $file->bytes();
$size2 += $file->blocks_used();
print "$size bytes used in $size3 blocks in $size2 files.";
I sure hope that that print statement has the right variables matched up...oops, it doesn’t!
7. Excessive Nesting and Overly Large Functions
Putting too much code within a logical grouping of code such as a function can hide bugs. To get a visual sense of code complexity, look at how much indenting there is. If you see more than three layers of indentation, there’s probably too much going on:
function user_checkup() {
for my $user ( get_all_users() ) {
if ( $user->type == ADMIN ) {
for my $ticket ( $user->get_all_support_tickets() ) {
if ( $ticket->status == CLOSED ) {
for my $email ( $ticket->recipients ) {
send_email_to_recipient( $ticket, $email );
... etc etc
... etc etc
elsif ( $ticket->status == PENDING ) {
... etc etc
... etc etc
elsif ( $user->type == USER ) {
... etc
... etc
if ( $user->type != ADMIN ) {
# Do some special case for non-admins.
# etc etc etc...
There’s just far too much happening in the above block of code. Notably, it probably didn’t start out like that. Maybe it began as a quick routine to check up on an admin’s status queue, but then kept growing and adding more cases and functionality. Before long, you’ve got a function hundreds of lines long with way too much going on.
These sorts of too long and too complex functions are difficult to understand all at once with our mistake-prone human brains. Maybe there’s a $total
in one section that gets used somewhere else by accident. Maybe something modifies a $ticket
in one place that affects something else in another.
8. Functions With Long Parameter Lists
While we’re talking about things too complex to wrap your head around, functions with long parameter lists can also be a nightmare. If you’re using a dynamic language like Perl or PHP where parameters are not type-checked, it’s even more important.
Consider a function like this:
function generate_report( $user, $dbhandle, $emailaddr,
$include_summary, $omit_hyperlinks, $filename )
Check how these functions are called very carefully. It’s all too easy to get a couple of arguments out of order, and you might not even notice in certain cases. For example, if $filename
and $omit_hyperlinks
are passed in the incorrect order, the mistake might not be so easy to discover. If you pass a $filename
with a value of 0
and a $omit_hyperlinks
with a value of report.txt
, that’s not something that might get discovered right away. “0” is a valid filename, and report.txt
evaluates to a Boolean true
for the value of the $omit_hyperlinks
Searching for Red Flags in Your Code
Keep an eye out for these sorts of patterns in the code you work with, and be watchful for bugs that might be lurking within. You just might find a problem that nobody has yet discovered.
Just as important, be wary of red flags in your own code. If you find yourself taking the false shortcut of not being consistent in your formatting, stop and take the time to do it right. When you find yourself with functions too large to wrap your head around, stop and break them up into smaller chunks. It’s never fun to look back at some bad code and wonder, “Who wrote this garbage?” …only to realize it was you.
This article was first published on the New Relic blog.
Published at DZone with permission of Andy Lester, DZone MVB. See the original article here.
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