The ability to write tests, understand automation, good coding skills, and broad vision are some of the concerns around automated testing for executives.
Looking for a great read? Check out this list of 20 books on various aspects of software development, ranging from learning new to languages to TDD to Agile.
Developers need the ability to write tests, understand automation, good coding skills, and broad vision to write code that will work with automated testing.
Sometimes it feels like Sprints can get out of hand, and your team just need a little more time. We explain why extending the Sprint is not a good idea.
Learn how to configure the Protractor testing framework to use with the Cucumber Behavior-Driven Development framework for testing AngularJS applications.
If you're looking to implement peer reviews into your development process, read on to get a great overview of the how the process is used and works best.
Tools alone won't make you a DevOps aficionado, but they will support you on your DevOps journey. Read about the best tools for each step of your CI/CD process.
Looking for a new Agile methodology to experiment with? In this article, we go over how Feature Driven Development compares to Scrum and XP programming .
Going Agile is never an easy process, as this company can attest to. Read on to get their story, and see how they overcame impediments to their transformation.