In this post, learn how businesses depend on continuous integration, how good CI leads to business profit, and tips and recommendations on how to improve CI.
How do you do REST API integration the right way? Here's a brief overview of the things to consider and clarify before even starting the first line of code.
Why should someone work at your company? Every company answers this question differently. In this post, learn tools to create an effective hiring strategy.
There are 2 common approaches to database monitoring: server-based and client-based. There is a third option: monitoring the connection using a database proxy.
A veteran technologist on how public interest technology helps us prioritize consumer trust, speed tech adoption, drive tech equity, and anticipate regulation.
Vendor lock-in effects software consumers as well as those that build that software. We discuss some thoughts on how vendors can build more consumer-friendly software.
Information modeling and event management are critical for detecting changes across complex industrial systems. Industrial IoT solutions can address this.
In this article, we break down 10 AWS services that support at least some SQL syntax, talk about their use cases, and give examples of how to write queries.
Learn about a simple set-up involving a local machine and Azure VM, and see the step-by-step procedure to produce events from the local machine to Kafka broker.
Follow an introduction to making a REST API call in the React library using code snippets from a blog application use case to demonstrate its implementation.
With continuous enhancements, codeless testing tools will be complementary to the overall test automation landscape. Learn some top codeless testing tools here.