Unit Testing File I/O Operations
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Join For FreeThis is an issue I’ve seen come up in my own team a lot lately and I thought it may be of general interest as well. This issue is how would I unit test this class…
public class PointParser
private readonly StreamReader _streamReader;
public PointParser(string filePath)
_streamReader = new StreamReader(filePath);
public Point ReadPoint()
var coords = _streamReader.ReadLine().Split(new[] { ',' });
return new Point(Int32.Parse(coords[0]), Int32.Parse(coords[1]));
This class takes a path to a CSV file, opens the file, and then parses the coordinate values out of each line of the file into a series of points. Let’s tackle the obvious first. Anytime you can describe what a class does using the word “And” we’ve violated the Single Responsibility Principle so the class is doing too much. Let’s simplify it a bit and let the class simply consume a file stream which has already been opened. This way the class is not responsible for managing the stream resource and it can focus on what it does best…parsing the CSV file.
public class PointParser
private readonly StreamReader _streamReader;
public PointParser(StreamReader streamReader)
_streamReader = streamReader;
public Point ReadPoint()
var coords = _streamReader.ReadLine().Split(new[] { ',' });
return new Point(Int32.Parse(coords[0]), Int32.Parse(coords[1]));
Now we have a little bit more manageable problem. Let’s think about a simile to this problem. Imagine that instead of coming from a file, our points were coming from a database connection.
public PointParser(IDbConnection dbConnection)
_dbConnection = dbConnection;
Now this is something we can more easily recognize. How would we test this? Would we open a connection to live database that we’ve pre-populated with valid points? Of course not, we would abstract the database connection out to a data source and then mock that data source for all of the database connections. So, why wouldn’t we do the same here?
Moving from that example, we can see that we need to abstract out our StreamReader class. BCL classes our notorious for being difficult to mock using anything other than TypeMock, but Microsoft threw us a bone here: the StreamReader class actually derives from the TextReader class which is an abstract class. And when it comes to mocking, at least, an abstract class is just as good as an interface. So, our next step is to replace the reference to the concrete StreamReader class with it’s more flexible TextReader base class. Now we have something we can work with.
public class PointParser
private readonly TextReader _textReader;
public PointParser(TextReader textReader)
_textReader = textReader;
public Point ReadPoint()
var coords = _textReader.ReadLine().Split(new[] { ',' });
return new Point(Int32.Parse(coords[0]), Int32.Parse(coords[1]));
So, using Rhino.Mocks, we can unit test this class all we like by simply simulating a stream of points…
public void Can_get_the_first_line()
var textReader = MockRepository.GenerateMock<TextReader>();
textReader.Expect(tr => tr.ReadLine()).Return("50,100");
var pointParser = new PointParser(textReader);
var point = pointParser.ReadPoint();
Assert.AreEqual(new Point(50,100), point);
We can even generate error conditions
public void Will_throw_an_error_if_point_is_invalid()
var textReader = MockRepository.GenerateMock<TextReader>();
textReader.Expect(tr => tr.ReadLine()).Return("50,Not_A_Number");
var pointParser = new PointParser(textReader);
var point = pointParser.ReadPoint();
Assert.AreEqual(new Point(50, 100), point);
So, to recap, here are the important points…
- Any class that performs operations against the content of a file shouldn’t be responsible for also managing the connection to that file.
- Your unit tests should only be concerned with how that class works with the content of the file, not the various conditions surrounding the connection. Sure, you’ll want to also have tests in place to determine what happens when the file can’t be open because it’s already in use or isn’t at the location specified, but those are integration tests…not unit tests.
- If you’re working with a StreamReader class, then you can abstract that up to a TextReader class and mock it. If you’re of the FileStream persuasion, then you can abstract it up to a Stream.
Published at DZone with permission of Jeremy Jarrell. See the original article here.
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