Emulating the History Command Within a Bash Script
This article is about seeking a script that offers a consistent interactive environment, enabling the user to navigate through previous inputs on the same input line.
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Join For FreeIn the world of Unix-like operating systems, the command line is a powerful and efficient way to interact with your computer. Over time, as you work with your system, you might wonder: "How can I use a kind of history command to recall past commands within the interactivity of a bash script?"
I am seeking a script that offers a consistent interactive environment, enabling me as a user to navigate through and execute previous commands seamlessly using arrow keys. The desired functionality involves the ability to scroll through a history of commands on the same input line, similar to the experience in the Bash shell.
The addition of this new feature provides developers with the flexibility to establish a more user-friendly environment within a Bash script, enhancing overall productivity for users engaging with the script. Additional reasons for incorporating this feature could include:
Limited Execution Scope:
- Explicitly define the scope of commands that your script can execute.
- Consider using functions within your script to encapsulate specific tasks.
User Input Validation:
- Validate and sanitize user inputs to reduce the risk of unintended command execution.
- Avoid blindly executing user-supplied data without proper validation.
Environment Configuration:
- Configure the script environment to mimic a safe and controlled environment.
- Set specific environment variables or shell options to match your requirements.
Command Whitelisting:
- Explicitly whitelist or allow only a specific set of commands within your script.
- Restrict the script's execution environment to a subset of safe commands.
Logging and Auditing:
- Implement logging to record the actions performed by the script.
- Include detailed information in logs to facilitate auditing and debugging.
- Clearly document the purpose and usage of your script.
- Provide information on any limitations or considerations regarding command execution.
The Read Command
Let's start with a simple readline. The following script simulate the key aspects of the history feature of the bash shell using the read command:
# File to store simulated command history
# Function to add a command to history
add_to_history() {
echo "$1" >> "$history_file"
# Function to view command history
view_history() {
if [ -e "$history_file" ]; then
echo "Command History:"
cat "$history_file"
echo "No command history available."
# Function to clear command history
clear_history() {
> "$history_file"
echo "Command history cleared."
# Main script
while true; do
echo "1. Add to history"
echo "2. View history"
echo "3. Clear history"
echo "4. Quit"
read -p "Choose an option (1-4): " choice
case $choice in
read -p "Enter command to add to history: " new_command
add_to_history "$new_command"
echo "Command added to history."
echo "Exiting script."
exit 0
echo "Invalid choice. Please enter a number between 1 and 4."
Save this script to a file, make it executable (chmod +x script_name.sh
), and then run it (./script_name.sh
). The script will prompt you to add commands to history, view the history, clear the history, or exit the script.
Comparing the script to the history feature of the Bash shell, the script above is very simple and inconvenient. Let us create another script that is more convenient by using arrow keys. The script is designed to capture user keyboard input and provide interactive feedback based on the input. It handles special keys like arrow keys and displays their corresponding descriptions. Additionally, it simulates the history of commands, echoing user inputs as they are typed.
function read_key()
if read -rsn1 input
if [ "$input" = $'\x1B' ] # ESC ASCII code (https://dirask.com/posts/ASCII-Table-pJ3Y0j)
read -rsn1 -t 0.1 input
if [ "$input" = "[" ]
read -rsn1 -t 0.1 input
case "$input" in
A) echo '[Arrow Up]' ;;
B) echo '[Arrow Down]' ;;
C) echo '[Arrow Right]';;
D) echo '[Arrow Left]' ;;
read -rsn5 -t 0.1 # flushing stdin
echo "$input"
return 0
return 1
# Usage example:
while true
if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]
case "$input" in
q) # q letter
*) # arrows + other letters
echo "$input"
After some tests of different command options of the read
command, it seems like the read
command in bash is limited when it comes to emulating the full functionality of the history
command with arrow key navigation.
The Select Command
Next, let us try the bash
built-in command select
along with a custom history mechanism:
# Custom command history
# Function to add a command to history
add_to_history() {
# Function to display and execute commands interactively
interactive_menu() {
PS3="Select a command (use arrow keys): "
select command in "${command_history[@]}" "Exit"; do
case $command in
echo "Executing: $command"
eval "$command"
# Main script
while true; do
read -e -p "Enter a command: " input_command
# Add the command to history
add_to_history "$input_command"
# Execute the command
eval "$input_command"
# Display interactive menu
This script uses the select
command to display a menu of previous commands, allowing the user to choose one for execution. The read -e
option enables line editing, providing arrow key navigation.
Like the read command, I did some manual tests with various scripts. The bottom line is the select
command — as the read command — is limited when it comes to emulating the full functionality of the history
command with arrow key navigation.
I am looking for a constant interactivity within a script, allowing me as a user to navigate and execute previous commands by using arrow keys on the same input line. A kind of alteration of the read command, a read command with record functionality.
The examples above show the tools and options in Bash are limited in order to emulate the history feature of the Bash shell. As result of my experiments, I developed a Bash script that works with some modifications and compromises:
# Array to store command history
# Function to execute a command
execute_command() {
echo "Executing: $command"
# Add your command execution logic here
# Function to display the command history
display_history() {
for ((i=0; i<${#command_history[@]}; i++)); do
echo "$i: ${command_history[$i]}"
# Function to handle arrow key events
handle_arrow_key() {
case $1 in
"A") # Up arrow key
if [ $current_index -gt 0 ]; then
"B") # Down arrow key
if [ $current_index -lt $((${#command_history[@]} - 1)) ]; then
*) # Other keys
# Trap and handle arrow key presses
trap 'read -sn 1 arrow_key; handle_arrow_key "$arrow_key"' KEYBD
# Infinite loop for constant interactivity
while true; do
read -e -p "> " user_input
# Add the command to history
current_index=$((${#command_history[@]} - 1))
# Execute the command
execute_command "$user_input"
# Display command history
In essence, we are in need of a novel Bash tool that amalgamates the advantages offered by the read
command and the history
command. This tool aims to provide an enhanced, user-friendly experience compared to the basic read
command. To initiate the development process, it is prudent to delve into the C code of the Bash shell. This exploration will offer valuable insights into the intricate workings of the history feature within the shell, serving as a solid foundation for the subsequent stages of development.
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