Relational to JSON With PL/SQL
Using JSON with Oracle has become much easier, but what if you need to do something that needed the use of PL/SQL's procedural features?
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Join For FreeIn the last post in this series, I demonstrated how powerful functions added to the SQL engine in Oracle Database 12.2 allow you to generate JSON with ease. But what if you were doing something sufficiently complex that it required the procedural capabilities that PL/SQL provides? Well, you're covered there too! In this post, I'll show you how new JSON based object types can be used to get the job done.
Please Note: This post is part of a series on generating JSON from relational data in Oracle Database. See that post for details on the solution implemented below as well as other options that can be used to achieve that goal.
The 12.2+ PL/SQL object types available for working with JSON are:
- JSON_ELEMENT_T – supertype of the other JSON types (rarely used directly)
- JSON_OBJECT_T – used to represent JSON objects
- JSON_ARRAY_T – used to represent JSON arrays
- JSON_SCALAR_T – used to represent scalar values in JSON (strings, numbers, booleans, and null)
- JSON_KEY_LIST – lesser used collection type for object keys
In the following solution, I use the JSON_OBJECT_T and JSON_ARRAY_T types to generate the desired JSON output. Smaller data structures are used to compose larger ones until I have the JSON object I want. Then I use the to_clob method to serialize the in-memory representation to JSON.
create or replace function get_dept_json(
p_dept_id in departments.department_id%type
return clob
cursor manager_cur (
p_manager_id in employees.employee_id%type
select *
from employees
where employee_id = manager_cur.p_manager_id;
l_date_format constant varchar2(20) := 'DD-MON-YYYY';
l_dept_rec departments%rowtype;
l_dept_json_obj json_object_t;
l_loc_rec locations%rowtype;
l_loc_json_obj json_object_t;
l_country_rec countries%rowtype;
l_country_json_obj json_object_t;
l_manager_rec manager_cur%rowtype;
l_manager_json_obj json_object_t;
l_employees_json_arr json_array_t;
l_employee_json_obj json_object_t;
l_job_rec jobs%rowtype;
l_jobs_json_arr json_array_t;
l_job_json_obj json_object_t;
select *
into l_dept_rec
from departments
where department_id = get_dept_json.p_dept_id;
l_dept_json_obj := json_object_t();
l_dept_json_obj.put('id', l_dept_rec.department_id);
l_dept_json_obj.put('name', l_dept_rec.department_name);
select *
into l_loc_rec
from locations
where location_id = l_dept_rec.location_id;
l_loc_json_obj := json_object_t();
l_loc_json_obj.put('id', l_loc_rec.location_id);
l_loc_json_obj.put('streetAddress', l_loc_rec.street_address);
l_loc_json_obj.put('postalCode', l_loc_rec.postal_code);
select *
into l_country_rec
from countries cou
where cou.country_id = l_loc_rec.country_id;
l_country_json_obj := json_object_t();
l_country_json_obj.put('id', l_country_rec.country_id);
l_country_json_obj.put('name', l_country_rec.country_name);
l_country_json_obj.put('regionId', l_country_rec.region_id);
l_loc_json_obj.put('country', l_country_json_obj);
l_dept_json_obj.put('location', l_loc_json_obj);
open manager_cur(l_dept_rec.manager_id);
fetch manager_cur into l_manager_rec;
if manager_cur%found
l_manager_json_obj := json_object_t();
l_manager_json_obj.put('id', l_manager_rec.employee_id);
l_manager_json_obj.put('name', l_manager_rec.first_name || ' ' || l_manager_rec.last_name);
l_manager_json_obj.put('salary', l_manager_rec.salary);
select *
into l_job_rec
from jobs job
where job.job_id = l_manager_rec.job_id;
l_job_json_obj := json_object_t();
l_job_json_obj.put('id', l_job_rec.job_id);
l_job_json_obj.put('title', l_job_rec.job_title);
l_job_json_obj.put('minSalary', l_job_rec.min_salary);
l_job_json_obj.put('maxSalary', l_job_rec.max_salary);
l_manager_json_obj.put('job', l_job_json_obj);
l_dept_json_obj.put('manager', l_manager_json_obj);
end if;
close manager_cur;
l_employees_json_arr := json_array_t();
for emp_rec in (
select *
from employees
where department_id = l_dept_rec.department_id
l_employee_json_obj := json_object_t();
l_employee_json_obj.put('id', emp_rec.employee_id);
l_employee_json_obj.put('name', emp_rec.first_name || ' ' || emp_rec.last_name);
l_employee_json_obj.put('isSenior', emp_rec.hire_date < to_date('01-jan-2005', 'dd-mon-yyyy'));
l_employee_json_obj.put('commissionPct', emp_rec.commission_pct);
l_jobs_json_arr := json_array_t();
for jh_rec in (
select job_id,
from job_history
where employee_id = emp_rec.employee_id
l_job_json_obj := json_object_t();
l_job_json_obj.put('id', jh_rec.job_id);
l_job_json_obj.put('departmentId', jh_rec.department_id);
l_job_json_obj.put('startDate', to_char(jh_rec.start_date, l_date_format));
l_job_json_obj.put('endDate', to_char(jh_rec.end_date, l_date_format));
end loop;
l_employee_json_obj.put('jobHistory', l_jobs_json_arr);
end loop;
l_dept_json_obj.put('employees', l_employees_json_arr);
return l_dept_json_obj.to_clob();
when others
if manager_cur%isopen
close manager_cur;
end if;
end get_dept_json;
When passed a department id of 10, the function returns a CLOB populated with JSON that matches the goal 100%.
"id": 10,
"name": "Administration",
"location": {
"id": 1700,
"streetAddress": "2004 Charade Rd",
"postalCode": "98199",
"country": {
"id": "US",
"name": "United States of America",
"regionId": 2
"manager": {
"id": 200,
"name": "Jennifer Whalen",
"salary": 4400,
"job": {
"id": "AD_ASST",
"title": "Administration Assistant",
"minSalary": 3000,
"maxSalary": 6000
"employees": [
"id": 200,
"name": "Jennifer Whalen",
"isSenior": true,
"commissionPct": null,
"jobHistory": [
"id": "AD_ASST",
"departmentId": 90,
"startDate": "17-SEP-1995",
"endDate": "17-JUN-2001"
"id": "AC_ACCOUNT",
"departmentId": 90,
"startDate": "01-JUL-2002",
"endDate": "31-DEC-2006"
The JSON types for PL/SQL are a very welcome addition to Oracle Database. I've only demonstrated how to build up objects in memory to generate JSON, but there are many other methods for modification, serialization, introspection, and so on.
If you've seen the PL/JSON solution, you'll note that the code is very similar since they both use the object-oriented capabilities of Oracle Database (as opposed to APEX_JSON which is more procedural). When compared to PL/JSON, the main advantages to the 12.2+ built-in types are:
- Simplicity: There's no installation needed.
- Documentation: The JSON Developer's Guide provides some getting started content in Part IV: PL/SQL Object Types for JSON and the PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference provides additional API details.
- Performance: I ran a small test on a local 18c XE database where I generated the JSON for each department in the HR schema 100 times. The PL/JSON solution took about 4.6 seconds on average while the solution in this post and the APEX_JSON solution both took around 1.5 seconds.
Having said all that, if you're not yet using Oracle Database 12.2+, then PL/JSON is still a great option for working with JSON. The PL/JSON team continues to build out the APIs, address issues, and develop the documentation.
Published at DZone with permission of Dan McGhan, DZone MVB. See the original article here.
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