Essential Python Libraries: Introduction to NumPy and Pandas
NumPy and Pandas are essential Python libraries for efficient numerical computing and data manipulation with powerful tools for analysis and data handling.
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Join For FreeIn Python programming, NumPy and Pandas stand out as two of the most powerful libraries for numerical computing and data manipulation.
NumPy: The Foundation of Numerical Computing
NumPy (Numerical Python) provides support for multi-dimensional arrays and a wide range of mathematical functions, making it essential for scientific computing.
- NumPy is the most foundational package for numerical computing in Python.
- One of the reasons why NumPy is so important for numerical computations is that it is designed for efficiency with large arrays of data. The reasons for this include:
- It stores data internally in a continuous block of memory, independent of other in-built Python objects.
- It performs complex computations on entire arrays without the need for “for” loops.
- The
is an efficient multidimensional array providing fast array-orientated arithmetic operations and flexible broadcasting capabilities. - The NumPy
object is a fast and flexible container for large data sets in Python. - Arrays enable you to store multiple items of the same data type. It is the facilities around the array object that makes NumPy so convenient for performing math and data manipulations.
Operations in NumPy
Creating the array:
Reshaping the array:
Slicing and indexing:
Arithmetic operations:
Linear algebra:
Statistical operations:
Difference Between NumPy Array and Python List
The key difference between an array and a list is that arrays are designed to handle vectorized operations, while a Python list is not. That means, if you apply a function, it is performed on every item in the array, rather than on the whole array object.
Pandas stands out as one of the most powerful libraries for numerical computing and data manipulation, which is critical for artificial intelligence and machine learning areas.
Pandas, like NumPy, is one of the most popular Python libraries. It is a high-level abstraction over low-level NumPy, which is written in pure C. Pandas provides high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools. Pandas uses two main structures: data frames and series.
Indices in Pandas Series
A Pandas series is similar to a list, but it differs in that a series associates a label with each element. This makes it look like a dictionary. If an index is not explicitly provided by the user, Pandas creates a RangeIndex ranging from 0 to N-1. Each series object also has a data type.
A Pandas series has ways to extract all of the values in the series, as well as individual elements by index.
The index can be provided manually as well.
It is easy to retrieve several elements of a series by their indices or make group assignments.
Pandas DataFrames
A DataFrame is a table with rows and columns. Each column in a data frame is a series object. Rows consist of elements inside series. Pandas DataFrames offer a wide range of operations for data manipulation and analysis. Here's a breakdown of some common operations:
Basic Operations
Creating DataFrames
- From a dictionary:
pd.DataFrame({'col1': [1, 2], 'col2': [3, 4]})
- From a CSV file:
- From an Excel file:
Accessing Data
- Selecting columns:
- Selecting rows:
df.loc[0] (by index label), df.iloc[0]
(by index position) - Slicing:
df [0:2] (first two rows), df[['coll', 'col2']]
(multiple columns)
Adding and Removing Columns/Rows
- Adding a column:
df['new_col'] =
- Removing a column:
df.drop('coll', axis=1)
- Adding a row:
df.append({'col1': 7, 'col2': 8}, ignore_index=True)
- Removing a row:
Filtering Data
- Using boolean conditions:
df [df['col1'] > 2]
Mathematical Operations
- Arithmetic operations:
df['col1'] + df['col2']
,df * 2
, etc. - Aggregation functions:
, etc. - Applying custom functions:
df.apply(lambda x: x**2)
Handling Missing Data
- Checking for missing values:
- Dropping missing values:
- Filling missing values:
Merging and Joining DataFrames
- Merging:
pd.merge(df1, df2, on='key_column')
- Joining:
df1.join(df2, on='key_column')
Grouping and Aggregating
- Grouping:
- Aggregating:
Time Series Operations
- Resampling:
(downsample to daily frequency) - Time shifting:
(shift data by one period)
Data Visualization
Plotting: df.plot()
(line plot), df.hist()
(histogram), etc.
Complex Pandas Examples
1. Here, we have sales data indexed by region and year. Now, here we calculate the percentage change in sales per region.
2. We have a dataset with products and prices, calculate the average price per category and find the most expensive product in each.
3. Complex “apply” usage:
These two libraries, NumPy and Pandas, are widely used in real-life applications such as BFSI (financial analysis), scientific computing, AI and ML, and big data processing. These two libraries play a crucial role in data-driven decision-making, from analyzing critical stock market trends to managing large-scale ERP business data.
For beginners, the next step is to practice using NumPy and Pandas by working on small projects, exploring datasets, and applying their functions in real-world scenarios. One can download open-source data from GitHub on financial, real estate, or general manufacturing business data. With that source data and these libraries, one can create a compelling story or empirical analysis. Hands-on experience will help solidify concepts and prepare learners for more advanced data science tasks.
In conclusion, both NumPy and Pandas are two essential Python libraries for data manipulation and analysis. Here, NumPy provides powerful support for numerical computations with its efficient array operations, while Pandas builds on NumPy to offer intrinsic and intuitive data structures like Series and DataFrame for handling structured data.
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