Jenkins Pipeline Groovy Script - Part 1: Creating Gitlab Group
Discussing the simple groovy functionality along with Jenkinsfile pipeline script on how to automatically create new gitlab group or subgroup under parent group.
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Join For FreeIn this article, I am discussing a simple groovy functionality along with Jenkinsfile pipeline script on how to automatically create a new GitLab group or subgroup under the parent group. In DevOps Continuous Integration(CI) and Continuous Delivery(CD), managing projects in git level is very much important and useful for version control. These projects are organized under a specific groups to have a disciplined structure in order to handle the application deployment well via DevOps.
What Is Jenkins Groovy?
Groovy is an object-oriented programming language like Java and has Domain Specific Language(DSL) features. Jenkins provides pipeline capabilities along with groovy DSL features for Continuous Integration(CI). So how to use Jenkins pipeline groovy script, use load
keyword in Jenkinsfile
to create constructor for groovy class. Using constructor or class object of that Groovy class, functions
can be inherited and values are returned. In order to use Jenkins Pipeling Groovy script, in Jenkins CI server Pipeline Groovy Plugin should be installed as prerequisite.
Below is an example Jenkins pipeline script to call groovy class functions.
pipeline{ node('slave') { classObject = load 'example.groovy' clssObject.function() } }
Gitlab Restful API
Let's see what is Gitlab group and its purpose. Gitlab groups are predominantly used as a common place where all project related information is stored under specific group or subgroups. A group may have multiple subgroups under parent group, but can have only one immediate parent group. It is depicted as below
- Parent Group
- subgroup 1
- subgroup 2
- subgroup 2.1
- subgroup 2.2
Gitlab offers its functionality as Restful API, that can be leveraged via curl
command. In this post Gitlab Restful APIs for group has been used along with groovy script to create group.
Create Gitlab Group Using Groovy
So how to create gitab group by consuming Gitlab Restful API in Groovy script. Let's create groovy class as below with name gitlabGroup.groovy.
What is this groovy class does:
- Checks for parent group is present or not under which subgroup will be created
- Search for subgroup existence, if not creates subgroup
Thus to create new group, parent group is mandatory under which new given group will be created as subgroup.
import groovy.transform.Field
def jsonParseData(jsonObj) {
def slurObj=new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(jsonObj)
return slurObj
// create gitlab group if not present already
def createGitLabGroup(gitlabToken, gitlabUrl, parentGroupId, groupName){
stage('Create GitLab group'){
def parentGroupId
def groupName
grpId=getSubGroupDetails(parentGroupId, groupName)
if (grpId.equals(null)){
def subgrpCreate= sh script: """curl -X POST -H "PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${gitlabToken}" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
${gitlabUrl}/groups \
-d '{ "web_url":"${gitlabUrl}${grpfullpath}",
"parent_id":${parentGroupId}}'""", returnStdout: true
return jsonParseData(subgrpCreate).id
return grpId
// get parent gitlab group information under subgroup will be created
def getParentGroupObject(){
stage('Get Parent Details'){
def groupdDetails=sh script: """curl --request GET --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${gitlabToken}" ${gitlabUrl}groups/${gitlabGroupId}""", returnStdout: true
return jsonParseData(groupdDetails)
// search gitlab group already exist or not
def getGitGroupObject(gitParentId){
stage('Git Group Object'){
def grpObj=sh script: """curl --request GET --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${gitlabToken}" ${gitlabUrl}groups/${parentGroupId}/subgroups?search=${groupName}""", returnStdout: true
return jsonParseData(grpObj)
def getSubGroupDetails(parentGroupId, groupName){
if (getParentGroupObject()==~/(.*)404(.*)/){
println("group not found")
def gitgrpdetails=getGitGroupObject(parentGroupId)
def grpId=0
for (i=0; i<gitgrpdetails.size(); i++){
if ((gitgrpdetails.full_path[i]).equals(grpfullpath)){[i]
return grpId
return this
Once after creating the above groovy class, use load
constructor in Jenkins Pipeline script to call createGitlabGroup()
by providing Gitlab information such as gitlab token, gitlab URL , parent group(Id) and group name as input arguments.
pipeline{ node('slave') { gitlabObj = load 'gitlabGroup.groovy' gitlabObj.createGitlabGroup(gitlabToken, gitlabURL, parentGroupId, groupName) }
Groovy provides more flexible and customized functionality that can be used widely for automation along with Jenkins CI server pipeline script. In Part 1, we have seen how groovy script has been used to create Gitlab group automatically using Jenkinsfile. In Part 2, I will be explaining about how to add list of users to Gitlab group and grant them permission.
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