How To Create a Date Dimension Using Databricks
This article will show how to build an extensive version of the date dimension table using Spark Scala in Databricks.
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Join For FreeWhen creating a data lake solution, it is important to think through all the corresponding tables part of the data model; whether we go for a Star or Snowflake schema, one of the important dimensions which will be needed is the Date Dimension.
This article will show how to build an extensive version of the date dimension table using Spark Scala in Databricks.
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Final Sample Data
Column Name |
date_key | 20190927 |
date | 27-09-2019 |
day | 27 |
day_suffix | th |
week_day | 6 |
week_day_name | Friday |
week_day_name_short | FRI |
week_day_name_first_letter | F |
day_of_year | 270 |
week_of_month | 4 |
week_of_year | 39 |
month | 9 |
month_name | September |
month_name_short | SEP |
month_name_first_letter | S |
quarter | 3 |
quarter_name | Q3 |
year | 2019 |
yyyymm | 201909 |
month_year | 2019 SEP |
is_weekend | 0 |
is_holiday | 0 |
first_date_of_year | 01-01-2019 |
last_date_of_year | 31-12-2019 |
first_date_of_quarter | 01-07-2019 |
last_date_of_quarter | 30-09-2019 |
first_date_of_month | 01-09-2019 |
last_date_of_month | 30-09-2019 |
first_date_of_week | 22-09-2019 |
last_date_of_week | 28-09-2019 |
last_12_month_flag | 0 |
last_6_month_flag | 0 |
last_month_flag | 0 |
load_date | 2022-12-26T16:09:43.004+0000 |
- The next step is to create the basic template for the date-dimension columns. For this, we are going to create a scala case class; you can create it in the same main notebook or as a separate notebook.
case class dim_date_schema(
date_key: Int,
date: String,
day: Int,
day_suffix: String,
week_day: Int,
week_day_name: String,
week_day_name_short: String,
week_day_name_first_letter: String,
day_of_year: Int,
week_of_month: Int,
week_of_year: Int,
month: Int,
month_name: String,
month_name_short: String,
month_name_first_letter: String,
quarter: Int,
quarter_name: String,
year: Int,
yyyymm: String,
month_year: String,
is_weekend: Int,
is_holiday: Int,
first_date_of_year: String,
last_date_of_year: String,
first_date_of_quarter: String,
last_date_of_quarter: String,
first_date_of_month: String,
last_date_of_month: String,
first_date_of_week: String,
last_date_of_week: String,
last_12_month_flag: Int,
last_6_month_flag: Int,
last_month_flag: Int
- Once we have the template ready for the table, then we will start working on writing logic to populate the respective columns. For this, we will create a utils object
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
object date_time_utils {
val default_format = "yyyy-MM-dd"
def check(start_date: String, end_date: String): Boolean = {
val start = LocalDate.parse(start_date, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(default_format))
val end = LocalDate.parse(end_date, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(default_format))
def convert_string_to_date(current_date: String, input_format: String, output_format: String) = {
val input_formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(input_format)
val output_formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(output_format)
def get_day_suffix(current_date: String) = {
val day = convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "d").toInt
day match {
case 1 => "st"
case 21 => "st"
case 31 => "st"
case 2 => "nd"
case 22 => "nd"
case 3 => "rd"
case 23 => "rd"
case _ => "th"
def get_quater_name(current_date: String) = {
val quater = convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "Q").toInt
quater match {
case 1 => "Q1"
case 2 => "Q2"
case 3 => "Q3"
case 4 => "Q4"
def is_weekend(current_date: String) = {
val week_day_name = convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "EEEE")
week_day_name match {
case "Saturday" => 1
case "Sunday" => 1
case _ => 0
def get_date_of_year(current_date: String, position: String) = {
val year = convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "u")
position match {
case "first" => year + "-01-01"
case "last" => year + "-12-31"
def get_first_date_of_quarter(current_date: String) = {
val quater = convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "QQ")
val year = convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "u")
quater match {
case "01" => year + "-01-01"
case "02" => year + "-04-01"
case "03" => year + "-07-01"
case "04" => year + "-10-01"
def get_last_date_of_quarter(current_date: String) = {
val quater = convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "QQ")
val year = convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "u")
quater match {
case "01" => year + "-03-31"
case "02" => year + "-06-30"
case "03" => year + "-09-30"
case "04" => year + "-12-31"
def get_first_date_of_month(current_date: String) = {
val month = convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "MM")
val year = convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "u")
year + "-" + month + "-01"
def get_last_date_of_month(current_date: String) = {
val converted_date = LocalDate.parse(current_date, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(default_format))
val last_day_of_month = converted_date.withDayOfMonth(converted_date.getMonth.length(converted_date.isLeapYear))
def get_first_date_of_week(current_date: String) = {
val converted_date = LocalDate.parse(current_date, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(default_format))
val day_backward = convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "e").toInt - 1
def get_last_date_of_week(current_date: String) = {
val converted_date = LocalDate.parse(current_date, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(default_format))
val day_forward = 7 - convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "e").toInt
def get_last_12_month_list() = {
var last_12_month_list = ListBuffer[String]()
var i = 0
for( i <- 1 to 12){
last_12_month_list += DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMM").format(
def get_last_12_month_flag(yyyyMM: String) = {
if (get_last_12_month_list().contains(yyyyMM)) 1 else 0
def get_last_6_month_flag(yyyyMM: String) = {
if (get_last_12_month_list().slice(0,6).contains(yyyyMM)) 1 else 0
def get_last_month_flag(yyyyMM: String) = {
if (get_last_12_month_list()(0).equals(yyyyMM)) 1 else 0
def get_calendar_end_date(plus_month:Int) = {
- Now when we have all the basic functions defined to generate rows for the date dimension, we will create the dim date generator notebook
def dim_date_generator(current_date: String): dim_date_schema ={
val default_format = "yyyy-MM-dd"
val date_key = date_time_utils.convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "yyyyMMdd").toInt
val date = current_date
val day = date_time_utils.convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "d").toInt
val day_suffix = date_time_utils.get_day_suffix(current_date)
val week_day = date_time_utils.convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "e").toInt
val week_day_name = date_time_utils.convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "EEEE")
val week_day_name_short = date_time_utils.convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "E").toUpperCase
val week_day_name_first_letter = date_time_utils.convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "E").substring(0, 1)
val day_of_year = date_time_utils.convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "D").toInt
val week_of_month = date_time_utils.convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "W").toInt
val week_of_year = date_time_utils.convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "w").toInt
val month = date_time_utils.convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "M").toInt
val month_name = date_time_utils.convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "MMMM")
val month_name_short = date_time_utils.convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "MMM").toUpperCase
val month_name_first_letter = date_time_utils.convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "MMM").substring(0, 1)
val quarter = date_time_utils.convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "Q").toInt
val quarter_name = date_time_utils.get_quater_name(current_date)
val year = date_time_utils.convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "u").toInt
val yyyyMM = date_time_utils.convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "yyyyMM")
val month_year = date_time_utils.convert_string_to_date(current_date, default_format, "yyyy MMM").toUpperCase
val is_weekend = date_time_utils.is_weekend(current_date)
val is_holiday = 0
val first_date_of_year = date_time_utils.get_date_of_year(current_date, "first")
val last_date_of_year = date_time_utils.get_date_of_year(current_date, "last")
val first_date_of_quarter = date_time_utils.get_first_date_of_quarter(current_date)
val last_date_of_quarter = date_time_utils.get_last_date_of_quarter(current_date)
val first_date_of_month = date_time_utils.get_first_date_of_month(current_date)
val last_date_of_month = date_time_utils.get_last_date_of_month(current_date)
val first_date_of_week = date_time_utils.get_first_date_of_week(current_date)
val last_date_of_week = date_time_utils.get_last_date_of_week(current_date)
val last_12_month_flag = date_time_utils.get_last_12_month_flag(yyyyMM)
val last_6_month_flag = date_time_utils.get_last_6_month_flag(yyyyMM)
val last_month_flag = date_time_utils.get_last_month_flag(yyyyMM)
dim_date_schema(date_key, date, day, day_suffix, week_day, week_day_name, week_day_name_short, week_day_name_first_letter,
day_of_year, week_of_month, week_of_year, month, month_name, month_name_short, month_name_first_letter, quarter,
quarter_name, year, yyyyMM, month_year, is_weekend, is_holiday, first_date_of_year, last_date_of_year, first_date_of_quarter,
last_date_of_quarter, first_date_of_month, last_date_of_month, first_date_of_week, last_date_of_week, last_12_month_flag, last_6_month_flag, last_month_flag)
- The last and the final step is to create the final notebook, we are starting our dimension start date from “2017–01–01” till current year + 5,
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
def create_final_df(): DataFrame = {
//Start Date
var start_date = "2017-01-01"
//End Date
val end_date = date_time_utils.get_calendar_end_date(60)
//Mutable list to store dim date
var dim_date_mutable_list = new ListBuffer[dim_date_schema]()
while (date_time_utils.check(start_date, end_date)) {
val dim_date_schema_object = dim_date_generator(start_date)
dim_date_mutable_list += dim_date_schema_object
start_date = LocalDate.parse(start_date, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd")).plusDays(1).toString
val dim_date_list = dim_date_mutable_list.toList
val dim_date_df = spark.createDataset(dim_date_list)"date_key")
, col("date").cast("date")
, col("day")
, col("day_suffix")
, col("week_day")
, col("week_day_name")
, col("week_day_name_short")
, col("week_day_name_first_letter")
, col("day_of_year")
, col("week_of_month")
, col("week_of_year")
, col("month")
, col("month_name")
, col("month_name_short")
, col("month_name_first_letter")
, col("quarter")
, col("quarter_name")
, col("year")
, col("yyyymm")
, col("month_year")
, col("is_weekend")
, col("is_holiday")
, col("first_date_of_year").cast("date")
, col("last_date_of_year").cast("date")
, col("first_date_of_quarter").cast("date")
, col("last_date_of_quarter").cast("date")
, col("first_date_of_month").cast("date")
, col("last_date_of_month").cast("date")
, col("first_date_of_week").cast("date")
, col("last_date_of_week").cast("date")
, col("last_12_month_flag")
, col("last_6_month_flag")
, col("last_month_flag")
, current_timestamp().as("load_date"))
- You can download the complete set of notebooks from the git repository
The creation of a date dimension is very important for a Data Analytics solution in order to create filters on the front-end dashboard built on either PowerBI, Tableau, or QlikView.
Published at DZone with permission of aakash jain. See the original article here.
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