Greasemonkey Script To Get All Xpath Expressions Of 'a' And 'input Type=submit' Elements In A Document
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Join For FreeThis greasemonkey script uses the JS files loading mechanism that Carlo Zottmann's uses in his YUI GM script (
The one JS file it loads (which you must host somewhere) must contain 3 functions: getElementXPath(), getElementIdx(), and gm_showXPath()
You will find getElementXPath and getElementIdx in a previous post of mine.
gm_showXPath() is provided here together with the GM script that loads the file and inserts a DIV on top of the HTML page with a link that when pressed will generate a pop-up and write all the XPATH expressions of 'a' and input submit elements in the document.
First the JS function that will call getElementXPath() for each doc element we are intersted on.
function gm_showXPath()
var win ="", window.location, "width="+700+",height="+300+",menubar=no,toolbar=no,directories=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no,left=0,top=0,resizable=yes");
var xpathInfo = "";
var elt = null;
var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
// add click events
xpathInfo += "" + window.location + "
for (var i=0; i < links.length; i++)
elt = links[i];
var id = elt.getAttribute('id');
if (id != "gm_showxpath")
xpathInfo += "href=" + elt.getAttribute('href') + ",xpath="+getElementXPath(links[i]);
xpathInfo += "
for (var j=0; j < inputs.length; j++)
elt = inputs[j];
var type = elt.getAttribute('type');
if (type != null && type.toLowerCase() == 'submit')
xpathInfo += "href=" + elt.getAttribute('href') + ",xpath="+getElementXPath(links[i]);
xpathInfo += "
Here is the GM script that loads the JS file hosting the 3 functions I mentioned above. The function at the bottom of this GM script is the one that inserts the DIV at the top left corner of the page with a link to generate the XPATH "report"
// ==UserScript==
// @name Show xpaths.
// @namespace
// @description Demo description goes here
// @include http*://*
// ==/UserScript==
var hostname = "http://your_host_name:xyz";
// Settings used by the loader
// List of JS libraries and CSS files to load. obj is used for the object
// detection used in the loader. Basically, if the object already exists,
// the script is not injected in the page.
assets: [
{ type: 'js', obj: 'XPATH', url: hostname + '/sandbox/xpath/xpath.js', onload: null}
// What should be the max allowed loading time? In this example, the
// script has 6 seconds to load the libraries and CSS files.
timeout: 6000,
// How often should the script check if everything was loaded?
interval: 300,
// What to trigger once all assets are loaded (a string). Example: execute
// (this will be eval()'ed later on, hence the string)
runFunction: '',
// START LOADER CODE //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
var DEMO;
// Version of the loader
VERSION: 20070103,
// Simple internal timer to keep track of the passed time.
loaderTimer: 0,
// This function checks whether everything was loaded yet; if not, it'll wait
// some more and call itself again. It'll do so until either all assets are
// loaded or the max loading time (GM_YUILOADER.loaderTimer.timeout) is
// reached.
GM_YUILOADER.loaderCheck = function() {
var ud = unsafeWindow.document;
// Do we have a green light yet?
if (ud.GM_YUILOADER_DOC.go) {
DEMO = unsafeWindow.DEMO;
delete ud.GM_YUILOADER_DOC;;
// Nope, not yet. Rinse & repeat!
else {
if (GM_YUILOADER.loaderTimer >= GM_YUILOADER_CONFIG.timeout) {
setTimeout(GM_YUILOADER.loaderCheck, GM_YUILOADER_CONFIG.interval);
// Main function that initiates loading the external JS and/or CSS files
GM_YUILOADER.loader = function() {
if (document.contentType != 'text/html' || !document.body) { return; }
var ud = unsafeWindow.document;
// This object holds the important stuff to make this work. It's a property
// of GM's unsafeWindow.document object.
// Number of JS libraries loaded so far (increased by countLoaded()
// below)
numberLoaded: 0,
// Total number of JS files.
numberTotal: 0,
// If this is bool true, we're good to go! This is checked by
// GM_YUILOADER.loaderCheck().
go: false,
// This function will be called by the onLoad events.
countLoaded: function() {
if (++this.numberLoaded == this.numberTotal) { this.go = true; }
// Now let's add the extra tags to the page that'll load the libraries and
// CSS files.
var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0);
var numAssets = GM_YUILOADER_CONFIG.assets.length;
for (var a = 0; a < numAssets; a++) {
var tag;
var asset = GM_YUILOADER_CONFIG.assets[a];
switch (asset.type) {
// CSS file
case 'css':
tag = document.createElement('link');
tag.href = asset.url;
tag.type = 'text/css';
tag.rel = 'stylesheet';
// Javascript library.
case 'js':
var injectScript = true;
// Object detection
try {
injectScript = eval('window.' + asset.obj + ' === undefined');
catch (e) {}
if (injectScript) {
tag = document.createElement('script');
tag.src = asset.url;
// The crucial part: triggering document.GM_YUILOADER.countLoaded()
// means keeping track whether all scripts are loaded yet.
tag.setAttribute('onload', 'document.GM_YUILOADER_DOC.countLoaded();');
// How many JS libraries are we dealing with again? Let's keep
// track.
// Did we actually include anything in the page? If so, trigger the
// GM_YUILOADER.loaderCheck "watchdog". If not, just tell it to run the
// main part of the script.
if (ud.GM_YUILOADER_DOC.numberTotal > 0) {
setTimeout(GM_YUILOADER.loaderCheck, GM_YUILOADER_CONFIG.interval);
else {
ud.GM_YUILOADER_DOC.go = true;
} = function() {
// When we're here, we're good to go!
// The initial GM_YUILOADER trigger.
setTimeout(GM_YUILOADER.loader, 500);
// END LOADER CODE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// START PAYLOAD SECTION //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
var SHOWXP = {
// This function is triggered by the loader engine once the scripts are loaded = function() {
var divElt = document.createElement('div');
divElt.setAttribute("id", "getxpath");
divElt.setAttribute("style", "background-color: black; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; top:0; left:0; position: absolute; border: 1px solid black;");
divElt.innerHTML = "Show XPaths";
// END PAYLOAD SECTION ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
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