.NET Core and ASP.NET Core are popular frameworks for creating powerful RESTful APIs. Try this tutorial and develop a simple Minimal API for credit scores.
NET Core and ASP.NET Core are popular frameworks for creating powerful RESTful APIs. In this tutorial, we will use it to develop a simple Minimal API that simulates a credit score rating. Minimal APIs provide a streamlined approach to creating high-performing HTTP APIs using ASP.NET Core. They allow you to construct complete REST endpoints with minimal setup and code easily. Instead of relying on conventional scaffolding and controllers, you can fluently define API routes and actions to simplify the development process.
We will create an endpoint allowing a user to retrieve a credit score rating by sending a request to the API. We can also save and retrieve credit scores using POST and GET methods. However, it is essential to note that we will not be linking up to any existing backend systems to pull a credit score; instead, we will use a random number generator to generate the score and return it to the user. Although this API is relatively simple, it will demonstrate the basics of REST API development using .NET Core and ASP.NET. This tutorial will provide a hands-on introduction to building RESTful APIs with .NET Core 7 and the Minimal API approach.
Before we start, we must ensure that we have completed several prerequisites. To follow along and run this tutorial, you will need the following:
A working .NET Core installation
An IDE or text editor of your choice
Postman to test our endpoint
Creating the Initial Project
We’ll be using the .NET cli tool to create our initial project. The .NET command line interface provides the ability to develop, build, run, and publish .NET applications.
The .NET cli new command provides many templates to create your project. You can also add the search command to find community-developed templates from NuGet or use dotnet new list to see available templates provided by Microsoft.
We’ll be creating a Minimal API and starting from as clean a slate as possible. We’ll be using the empty ASP.NET Core template. In the directory of your choosing; enter the following in the terminal:
dotnet new web
You’ll notice that the directory structure will look something like this: